13 years ago
watching snow....while watching "Shirley Valentine"...happy to be a girl!
latest #8
footpad says
13 years ago
Funny, it's snowing here, too. :-)
Mickster says
13 years ago
13 years ago
Oh my gosh... those are the best...chick flicks. Ca lander girls is one of my favs...Steel Magnolias I only pull out when I gotta cry.
13 years ago
Hi Mick!
13 years ago
Hi footpad! Didn't get hammered lik!e they thought but it was pretty
footpad says
13 years ago
Same here. It was all quiet, white, and peaceful when I went to bed and, by the time I woke up, it had all be washed away.
footpad says
13 years ago
That kind of snow I can handle, the kind that doesn't frotz with the commute. :-D
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