Seychelles has
13 years ago
come to take Arthur to his old cell.
latest #109
Arthur is
13 years ago
waiting for her, he had no idea she had got the okay.
13 years ago
opens the door. "Good morning Arthur~"
13 years ago
sees her and smiles standing. "Ah. Good morning!" He looked at her, he was almost pleading. "Verdict from the warden?"
13 years ago
smiles brightly at him. "Got the okay, come with me. I'll take you back."
13 years ago
smiles brightly at the news, he wrapped his arms around her waist lifting her and spinning her in a circle. "You are amazing!"
Seychelles was
13 years ago
surprised by the action, but giggles and holds onto him. "I just asked..."
13 years ago
smiles still holding her up for a few more second before setting her down and kissing her, he was excited, he got to go back to the light!_
13 years ago
"First and foremost can we stop by the showers?"
13 years ago
goes red at that. "I can take you there..."
13 years ago
smiles a bit. "Thank you." He was glad to get a shower.
13 years ago
takes his hand. "I gotta cuff you though..."
13 years ago
frowns slightly but nods. "Oh yeah, right. Okay." He smiled slightly knowing it was just protocol.
13 years ago
gently pulls his hands behind his back, putting them on loosely so it didn't hurt him. "All done."
Arthur is
13 years ago
glad that the cuffs didn't hurt. "thanks for not making them hurt at all love."
13 years ago
takes his arm. "I trust you won't try to get them off..."
13 years ago
shakes his head. "Nah, there is no use right?" He leaned and pecked her cheek. "Besides, why would I want to run from you?"
13 years ago
smiles at that, leaning in to peck him on the lips. "You're good to me."
13 years ago
smiles and kisses her back. "As you are me. Much to good." He stood waiting for her command to move.
13 years ago
she gently leads him along, back into the regular cell areas.
13 years ago
follows along with her, he would have loved to take her hand but that wouldn't have been easy in the cuffs and it probably would have_
13 years ago
gotten her into trouble if she was caught.
13 years ago
leads him into his cell,closing the cell behind them so she could take off his cuffs.
13 years ago
looks around his cell, he was still squinting, his eyes adjusting to the light. "It's the same thankfully." He liked his things his way.
13 years ago
((Whoops I forgot he asked to go to the showers.))
13 years ago
lets him adjust. "Get used to the light, then I'll take you where you need to go."
13 years ago
nods to her quietly. "Alright, that will be perfect." He stood and looked at the window and smiled happily glad for the moving air. "I think
13 years ago
I'm okay to go now." He had stopped squinting.
13 years ago
nods and takes him out of the cell and towards the showers. Best for him to get his bearings in case he got into trouble.
13 years ago
follows her out with a smile, he was giddy as could be, he was looking around, bright lights still hurt but anything was better then_
13 years ago
blackness dark as pitch.
13 years ago
stops outside the men's showers, uncuffing him so he could go in. "As far as I can go with you."
13 years ago
chuckles a bit. "Well not if anyone is in there it's not." He was being cheeky. When his hands were free he ran a hand through her hair and_
13 years ago
kissed her lightly. "I'll be back then."
Seychelles is
13 years ago
all red at the implication, swatting at him in a light hearted way. "Go on, get cleaned up." She tells him, kissing him back.
13 years ago
smiles at her dodging the hit before slipping in the shower room grabbing a towel and heading to the showers he stripped and showered. He_
13 years ago
got out when he was finished wrapping a towel around himself, he remembered he needed a razor and shaving cream, not something an inmate_
Arthur was
13 years ago
allowed to get on their own. He walked to the door opening it. "Um, Victoria, I need a bit of help here.."
13 years ago
stares at him for a moment before slapping her hands over her eyes. AHHH. "W-With what?"
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow, he didn't understand what was so bad, he had a towel on. "I need you to get me a razor and the shave cream, inmates don't
13 years ago
have access to it." He said and pushed the door open more for her to step in.
Seychelles is
13 years ago
embarrassed. H-He was half naked! "O-Oh...Oh my...V-Very well..."
13 years ago
smiles at her, not sure still why she was acting like this. "Thank you very much." He knew exactly were it was and he led her to it. "Here_
13 years ago
we are." He smiled and went to the shelves beside it and looked for a new uniform in his size.
Seychelles feels
13 years ago
very awkward being in the men's showers. She hoped no one came in. Never the less, she took out her key and got him what he needed. She_
13 years ago
had to over see too.
13 years ago
just smiles humming a bit the whole time he found a new clean uniform. "Ah here we are~!" He would dress after shaving.
13 years ago
hands it to him. "H-Here."
13 years ago
takes it and smiles walking over to the mirror. "Say good bye to the scruff." He teased her putting the shaving cream on his face and neck_
13 years ago
bringing the razor to his cheek after running it under warm water.
13 years ago
watched him a bit shyly, casting her gaze away every now and then. "Does it feel better now?"
13 years ago
holds the razor to his skin raising an eyebrow. "Pardon?" He brought the razor down before running it under the water.
13 years ago
tilts her head a bit, looking around. "Getting it off."
13 years ago
flushes at the innuendo that came to his mind, he coughs slightly before nodding. "Mhmm. It does feel good." He finishes shaving wiping the_
13 years ago
rest of the shaving cream off of his face. "That's better."
13 years ago
looks confused. She had missed it entirely. She was a country girl after all. "Shall I leave you to the rest then?"
13 years ago
completely understands, he grew up in London after all. "Ah, yes, sure." He smiled waiting for her to leave.
13 years ago
takes the razor and throws it out, then puts the shaving cream up. Giving him a nod, she retreated.
Arthur wonders
13 years ago
why she retreated before getting changed and walking out moments later. "All done." He smiled a bit, his hair was just as messy as before.
13 years ago
blinks at it, reaching up to try and get it to lay flat.
13 years ago
laughs slightly. "No matter what you do it wont go down, never does."
13 years ago
watches in fascination as it springs back up. "Messy by nature?"
13 years ago
nods to her. "Mhmm. No matter what, it looks even worse when it's slicked."
13 years ago
laughs a little at that. "Well you were right, very handsome."
13 years ago
flushes a bit. "Thank you." He leaned in and kissed her quickly.
13 years ago
kisses back, blushing again. "And now it doesn't tickle when you do that."
13 years ago
laughs running a hand through her hair pulling her close. "Well that can be good and bad then yes?"
13 years ago
looks around a bit nervously, but allows him. She shivered a bit at the feeling of his fingers in her hair. "Oui..."
13 years ago
continues to play with her hair happily. "I'm glad you agree then." He pecked her cheek again.
13 years ago
rubs her cheek where he kissed. "Oui, oui...If you're going to hold me, we shouldn't do it in the middle of the hall..."
13 years ago
tilts his head, he heard French. He didn't like French, but he liked her, he wouldn't mention anything bad. "I didn't know you were French_
13 years ago
And.. You are probably right."
13 years ago
blinks at that and shakes her head. "Ah! Non-- I mean no. I am from Seychelles." She tugs him around a corner.
13 years ago
follows her and nods slightly. "Oh, right." He chuckled. "I should have asked before speaking sorry love."
13 years ago
grins at him a little. "I speak both languages though, sometimes they mix."
13 years ago
smiles kissing her hand. "Beauty and brains." He watched her face.
13 years ago
at least he didn't say brawn too. "Why thank you." She was getting used to the compliments and kisses.
13 years ago
pouts. "Aw, no flush or anything?" He loved to compliment he, but he loved her reactions. He shrugged slightly letting go of her hands and_
13 years ago
slipping his arms around her small waist. He hummed and kissed her cheek and lips, down to her neck lightly.
13 years ago
put her hands on her hips, grinning triumphantly. "I am getting u--- A-AH!" She shivered at that, going red. "C-Cheater!"
13 years ago
laughs into the crook of her neck smiling and kissing her again. "I am not, I just couldn't help it, that's all."
13 years ago
leans into him a little. "I think you're just trying to make me blush on purpose."
13 years ago
shrugs to her. "You will never know." He planted a kiss between every word, just for her reaction, but he loved kissing her soft skin.
13 years ago
shivers at each kiss, hands sliding up his back as she hugged him. "You're awful."
13 years ago
chuckles slightly. "I'm a 'killer' remember." He wasn't, he just said that for fun.
13 years ago
grabs him in a headlock.
13 years ago
gasps pulling back but hitting his back on the wall coughing as he lost some air. "Ow." He laughed. "What was the head lock for?"
Seychelles gives
13 years ago
him a noogie, eyes narrowed. "I told you to stop that."
13 years ago
pulls her hands away. "Ow ow ow!" He rubbed his head. "Stop what?"
13 years ago
lets him pull her off. "Making jokes like that."
13 years ago
makes a face. "You know I didn't mean anything by it." He kissed her quickly. "I'm sorry."
13 years ago
pets him a little bit. "It's fine..."
13 years ago
leans into the petting. "As long as you forgive me."
13 years ago
sighs softly. "I do, don't worry."
13 years ago
smiles, he loved knowing someone forgave him, even if it was over something so little.
13 years ago
takes his hands. "It feels strange seeing you out of that cell...I am glad though."
13 years ago
squeezes her hands. "Why does it feel strange..?"
13 years ago
shakes her head.
13 years ago
"Just haven't seen you out of it."
13 years ago
nods slightly. "Oh."
13 years ago
strokes his cheek. "I'll get used to it though."
13 years ago
flushes a bit and smiles. "I'll hope so love."
Seychelles thinks
13 years ago
she likes making him be the one to blush. "You're cute when you blush too."
13 years ago
flushes a bit more. "I-I do not..!"
13 years ago
cups his cheeks, grinning at him. "You are."
13 years ago
shakes his head fighting a now embarrassed blush. "I-I really am not..!"
13 years ago
pokes his cheek, giving an amused expression. "But you get all flustered."
13 years ago
frowns. "I-I do not..!" He knew he did but would not admit that.
13 years ago
pinches his cheeks now. Precious. "You are right now!"
13 years ago
flails slightly. "N-No! I-I swear I'm not..!"
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