...................................you're kidding right ._.
they better change it omg ):
that is... wow... .___. read it this morning... stupid stuff..
it doesnt even make sense when it ends in 2 D:
dsp fails with boy bangs they should stop
..lol. But ikr, they really need to learn how this whole promoting thing works D;
they're great with girl groups though LOL
kara and rainbow are doing good
come back back back to me haiming ;~;
;~~~; so much promise they haddddd
i want them baccccckkkkk sigh
we'll just go kidnap them and start our own entertainment company ;~~;
tomo is back in japan and hanbyul is in another group ;___________;
we'll work around it okay ;~~; we can just print out lost ad
*ads. i mean its not like we can do any worse than dsp did.
;____________________; and bring ss501 back together
lol it's not an official name~ it's like when everyone was dubbed the chinese version of the wonder girls to be "sisters" or something
but they turned out to be miss a =P
understandably so. but don't get too mad, because nothing is set in stone^^
calm your pretty little triple s head<3 hehehe