Spain is
13 years ago
basking out on the beach, thinking about setting sail again soon.
latest #88
13 years ago
trips over him.
13 years ago
startled and sits up "Oh! Hey, what are you doing here? " takes a minute to think before holding out his hand "here, let me help you up."
13 years ago
pushing herself up cursing and spitting out sand she rubbed her face, she froze as she heard him speak. "Fuck..."
13 years ago
takes her by the arm and pulls her up ".... did you not see me there?"
13 years ago
flushes as she was pulled up, dammit she didn't just Imagen the voice. "U-uh.. No.." She was busy paying attention to the water.
13 years ago
smiles before turning his attention the the ocean "What brought you out here for hm?"
13 years ago
frowns slightly, he reminded her a lot of Isabella... "The ocean. You?" She watched the ocean again.
13 years ago
pats her head "I think it's relaxing here isn't it?~ "
13 years ago
cringes down. "Fuck! What the hell is it with Spaniards touching my head?!" Isabella always did it too. "Si. It is.. Even if tripping isn't"
13 years ago
laughs and moves his hand away from her "sorry, that little tripping accident was adorable though~ "
13 years ago
flushes again. "It was not dammit! That was embarrassing and damn stupid!"
13 years ago
laughs again "if you say so~ " contemplates the ocean again "I think i've been here too long, I kind of want to go out at sea again...."
13 years ago
looks at him. "Don't you have a ship?" She wondered why he was telling her this, they didn't even know each other's names.
13 years ago
looks down at her "of course I do~ Not many people on it, but you gain alliances as you go~ "
13 years ago
nods slightly. "Ah." She understood that as she was recruited not too long ago. "What's your name damn Spaniard?"
13 years ago
smiles "It's Antonio~ I'm pleased to meet you. And your name pretty lady?~ "
13 years ago
flushes. "My name is Chiara. And I'm not pretty dammit!"
13 years ago
laughs "You are~ you're adorable and cute~ "
13 years ago
continues to flush. "N-no! Shut up dammit! I am n-not!"
13 years ago
takes her hand and kisses it "you are, whether you think so or not."
13 years ago
can't help but slap him and turn away quickly covering her face, she was shaking slightly from embarrassment.
13 years ago
caught off gaurd by the slap. Holds his hand to his cheek, ".... that was uncalled for." rubs at it before looking back at her "For being _
13 years ago
so cute, you can be violent~"
13 years ago
turns, she felt bad after slapping him. "I-it.. I.. It just wasn't expected, that's all dammit.." He pulled his hand down and kissed his_
13 years ago
cheek in a small apology, she refused to say sorry though.
Spain feels
13 years ago
his cheeks warm up a bit, thensmiles at her again " It's alright. Perhaps teasing you wasn't such a good idea hm?"
13 years ago
frowns and shakes her head. "No." It wasn't the teasing that made her slap him, it was the kiss. She looked back to the water flushing still
13 years ago
Spain is
13 years ago
silent for a moment. ".... hey, why don't I buy you something to drink? or food?"
13 years ago
looks at him but nods slightly. "Uh.. Alright...?" she raised an eyebrow wondering what he was thinking.
13 years ago
starts to walk to the nearest bar, it's been a while since he had some companionship from a girl "Here, this is the nicest one in this town.
13 years ago
13 years ago
frowns a bit. "Then.. We don't have to go in dammit." She was worried it would be expensive.
Spain gives
13 years ago
her a confused expression, "It's alright, i'm paying for this anyways~ I was the one who invited you~ "
13 years ago
pouts a bit. "What if it's expensive dammit?"
13 years ago
smirks "I have enough, don't worry~ "
13 years ago
frowns. "Right.." She didn't know why he was being so nice to her..
13 years ago
leads her into the bar and gets a table "They serve good food here~ "
13 years ago
sits down looking around at everything. "You've been here before..?" She raised an eyebrow at this.
13 years ago
nods "I come here often~ It looks odd from the outside, but it's a respectable and safe place~ "
13 years ago
shifts at the word respectable, great, she was a pirate in a respectable place. "Okay, if you say so."
13 years ago
stares at her reaction for a moment ".... ah~ You're worried about being seen here right? Don't worry, most people here are in.... the same_
13 years ago
"buisness" we're both in." Takes a moment to pour her a drink, "This is a town by the sea, most people have stopped caring~ "
13 years ago
sighs and noticeably relaxes she nodded slightly. "Okay." She flushed embarrassed, he must have noticed her reaction.
13 years ago
smiles at her "you're too cute to be in something like this, are you sure you can handle things like that on your own?"
13 years ago
flushes again. "I'll be fine, dammit.. I'm.. I'm good with a gun. I'll be fine, I'm just a cook." She looked away.
13 years ago
laughs a little "you must be very good at cooking then~ '
13 years ago
flushes a bit. "I-I'm pretty fair at it.." She wished he would stop being charming.
13 years ago
orders some food for them "I'm sure you're amazing~ "
13 years ago
stays silent as he orders and flushes again. "I don't know about that.." In her mind she was cursing him with every word she could think of_
13 years ago
in English and Italian.
13 years ago
keeps up his smile "i'm sorry if this is too personal but, what got you into this sort of thing? It's dangerous you know, even for a cook."
13 years ago
frowns and shrugs. "I needed a damn job, plan and simple, nothing more nothing less."
13 years ago
hums thoughtfully "How intresting~ ah, the food's here~
13 years ago
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "What's intre- oh.." She looked at the food.
13 years ago
smells it "it seems like it will be good~ but i'm sure it's not as good as what you make~ "
13 years ago
frowns at him. "I told you I'm not that good dammit!"
13 years ago
starts to eat his food "hmmm~ I'm sure you a~re~"
13 years ago
takes a small bite of hers. "I said I wasn't dammit..!"
13 years ago
decides to stay quiet now, but continues to smile at her.
Chiara wonders
13 years ago
why he is smiling?! She flushed and looked away.
Spain hopes
13 years ago
she's enjoying the food. Being with her has somehow made his day better~
Chiara is
13 years ago
actually enjoying the food, she had no idea she had made him happy.
13 years ago
finishes his plate and pours her a glass of wine before pouring himself one. " this kind is good~ It's sweet~ "
13 years ago
stares at the wine. "G-grazie.." She blinked. "S-sweet, the hell do you think this is? A damn d-date?"
13 years ago
blinks at her ".... Ah.. well." takes her hand and kisses it "if this is a date, then it's been wonderful so far~ "
13 years ago
resists the urge to slap him as she flushed worse. "H-hey! God dammit! Don't d-do that..!"
13 years ago
hums "why not? Women usually are charmed by that. You're strange~ but incredibly cute~ "
Chiara is
13 years ago
extremely charmed, but will NEVER tell him that. "I-I am not cute dammit..!"
13 years ago
laughs "you are~ You're very charming in your own way~ or maybe i'm the strange one?"
13 years ago
flushes still and nods to him. "Si, you are the strange one..!" She didn't think she was charming at all.
13 years ago
takes another sip of wine "But what else do you want to do? Or would you rather leave after this meal?"
13 years ago
sips her wine and frowns slightly. "We.. We could go back to the beach?"
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow at her "hm, you must like the sea a lot then too huh? "
13 years ago
shrugs a bit but nods. "Si. I used to live by the coast in my home, before I came here."
13 years ago
nods " I see~ you've lived near it your whole life~ "
13 years ago
nods to him swirling her wine and watching it. "And what about you? Where did you live?"
13 years ago
takes another drink from his glass "Hmm... I don't remember much about my first home, but i've been at sea most of the life. I guess that's_
13 years ago
my home then~ "
13 years ago
nods slightly. "Oh. That's cool." She smiled a bit watching her wine.
Spain feels
13 years ago
a bit light headed, but drinks another glass, "I never thought it would be so fun~ "
13 years ago
finishes her first glass. "Never thought what would be so fun?"
13 years ago
hums "Living and working out at sea~ "
13 years ago
nods quietly reaching for the wine bottle. "So far, it isn't that bad..."
13 years ago
nods, "I really isn't~ ah well, it gets bad when storms start rolling in, but most people avoid trying to go out during those times."
13 years ago
makes a face. "I hope I don't have to sail in a storm..."
13 years ago
shakes his head "it's horrible, it makes you gratefull for the calm, boring days."
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