finally freeeeeeeeeeeeee. [ooc]
latest #25
;w; my dear vanyaaa I'll get to replying as soon as i start uploading some stuff.
;A; yay we can rp naaao anything else you'd want to do besides the spa one?
anything you want ;w; I'm up for rping anything
;w; mmmm wanna try victorian?
;w; who starts the thread? also i think i'm sucking rather badly at yuri rp. Xd;;
I'm no one to judge, trust me. This is the 2nd time I've ever written yuri.
XD its like one big foreplaaaaay plaaaay unless someone has some sort of a strap on or grows a magical penis derp
I know. or if they do 69.
.__. i dunno *scratches head* i guess but i dont see that plausible with the height diff hahahaha
btw, you start victiorian, i don't know how to.
o alrighty. any particular scenario you want to play out then?
I'm leaving it all to you~
About the sauna, if you want, we can make it a cuddle session, and then another plurk with anya wanting to get the real thing in a hotel
China~ please put your OOC tag at the beginning of your plurk, so we can more easily distinguish it as an OOC-plurk. :3
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