sillylittlechachel has
16 years ago
a case of the gigglies. I think I've had too much sugar. (woot)
latest #12
sillylittlechachel says
16 years ago
I can't stop. It also has lot to do with this video: Scarlet Takes A Tumble - around 2:52. It's got me on the floor every time.
sillylittlechachel says
16 years ago
it's a terrible thing to laugh at though.
sillylittlechachel says
16 years ago
(rofl)(rofl) oh, man, I'm never gonna stop laughing at this rate. That model one was FABULOUS. The way her legs wiggle.
fenderplayer says
16 years ago
damn! isn't it funny when it happens to someone else... (LOL)
street_harajuku says
16 years ago
met pagi..?
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