4.41 more karma points. I think I've been switched over to the slow drip. What gives?
latest #70
that always happens when you near a milestone karma
now you're just rubbing it in w/ the smileys!
that pumping iron? i couldn't tell. It reminds me of driving a car.
i also thought that the "goodluck" one was a smiley flipping the bird!
you can post any of them on here (choose the option on the right)
it works when I click on it . . . .
which do i copy and paste? tired forum....no worky. you see goof up above.
select the URL code -- copy it and paste it here
when you hit enter, the picture shows up
no worky!!!!!
ah! drag and drop..... drag and drop. apples=much easier
my banana cooler than yours.
i love pic 4 evah! yay! thanks Bricky
you're welcome!
ahh!! scary butterfly going to eat me!
plurk makes them much smaller than they are on the website.
your smiley has butt crack!
i don't know what in the hell that was suppose to be
no, to get better smileys. But BrickGirl helped me out w/ that! LONG way to go to get to nirvana.....
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