Germany is
13 years ago
calling a guard meeting. Changes would be made today.
latest #126
13 years ago
reports to the meeting as ordered.
Adelita will
13 years ago
also be reporting in.
13 years ago
would like them to take a seat as they wait for the others.
Turkey has
13 years ago
shown up but is still not happy about what happened earlier.
13 years ago
stares at everyone in the room.
13 years ago
took a sit then while they waited.
13 years ago
takes a seat, sighing softly. Meetings were irritating.
13 years ago
( I'm not sure if this is everyone but I'll pretend it is. )
13 years ago
clears his throat as he stands up to address his staff. "As you all know this prison has been running like circus and so I have made some
13 years ago
changes so we're not running around like a chicken with it's head cut off." He pauses to look everyone in the eye. "First thing I will
13 years ago
address is the manner in which we act with the inmates. Every single one of these incarcerated men and women have done something vile to get
13 years ago
them here and respect is something we will not show them. They do not deserve our respect nor do they deserve to be treated like a normal
13 years ago
human being.They should have thought over their actions if they wanted to be viewed as normal. The second thing I would like to change is
13 years ago
the amount of free time they deserve. They deserve none until there is a significant improvement in their character. Every prison will be
13 years ago
made to do work and work that can benefit the world outside of this prison for example doing laundry, making blankets, etc. On top of that
13 years ago
every inmate will be forced to wake up at five in the morning every morning for their morning jog. This will be done *every* single morning
13 years ago
and if an inmate falls behind they will be made to do janitorial work at night instead of sleeping. On saturday and sunday their will be a
13 years ago
vow of silence. If any of the inmates speaks or makes any sound they will get twenty lashes and miss a meal. This will show them to
13 years ago
appreciate the little things life has to offer. Inmates that are mentally unstable will be kept in an empty cell until they shape up. Meals
Germany will
13 years ago
be served three times a day and at specific time. Breakfast will be at 6:30 AM no earlier or no later. Lunch will be served at 11:30 AM and
13 years ago
supper at 6:30 PM. If an inmate misses a meal to bad for him/her. Any questions?"
Austria has
13 years ago
a complaint.
Germany gives
13 years ago
Herr Edlestein room to speak.
13 years ago
- "It sounds to me as if you're trying to run a boot camp of sorts, sir. Forgive me, but I don't quite agree with beating the inmates, -
13 years ago
- or forcing them to endure hunger. We are running a prison, nothing more. Also, many of these inmates are unstable, yes, but it hardly -
13 years ago
-strikes me as right to isolate them completely. This was done in times past, but we've evolved a little, have we not?"
13 years ago
listens to him patiently. "Herr Edlestein I have a question for you. What do you think of men who rape children?"
13 years ago
clenches his teeth a little. "Monsters, the lot of them."
13 years ago
nods. "What would you do to one of these men if you got your hands on them?"
13 years ago
- "Nothing. My job is to enforce the law and keep order, as is yours. We keep them away from society, and that is all."
Germany is
13 years ago
impressed. "I am enforcing the law Herr Edlestein but I'm doing it in a way much like a parent scolding a child. They will not learn from
13 years ago
their mistake if they are not punished. It is not as if I'm torturing them. If one takes a life they should understand what it feels like to
13 years ago
be nothing. They should understand that they do not have the right to take away another humans life because they got caught up in the moment
13 years ago
or they deserved it. These people need to learn a bit about life before they can be re-introduced to society."
13 years ago
arches a brow. "Many of these people will never see the past these stone walls, sir. Forty, eighty years of prison.. will they even live-
13 years ago
-that long? And I have a question for you as well, if you don't mind."
13 years ago
- "I would like to see them rehabilitate and return to society but continue on."
13 years ago
- "If you punish them, in the way you wish to do, does that not make us like them, in a way?"
13 years ago
pauses and thinks about this for a second. "No, I don't see it that way. It's more to invoke fear so they stay in line. It is not as if I am
13 years ago
going out of my way to beat them for fun. Does a parent who spanks their child for disobeying make them also the disobeying child?"
13 years ago
frowns. "That's different. And by invoking fear, you are a monster just as they are. It's the exact same thing."
13 years ago
frowns as well. "It's not the exact same thing because you could say that about many people or things for example the government, teachers,
13 years ago
principles. Many of them use fear as a method to keep people in check but it's not as if they are going out of their way to do others harm.
13 years ago
It's more as if they are trying to protect them and guide these individuals in the right direction...I am mean there are special cases when
13 years ago
this method is being used abusively but these inmates have lost the priviledge of having a lenient lifestyle. So you'll allow them to live a
13 years ago
life funded by hardworking peoples money where they get fed, a bed, everything a person needs to live a comfortable life. You don't think
13 years ago
that's unfair. It's as if they are getting a free ride where they don't have to worry about anything because everything is already paid for.
13 years ago
Do you really think it's okay to allow them to stay to themselves and maybe be consumed by guilt about what they have done but probably not
13 years ago
care at all and get to do essentially whatever they want as long as it's in the prison?"
13 years ago
pinches the bridge of his nose. "That's what this damned place is paying us to do. Yes."
13 years ago
- "Well you're getting paid to do what I have asked you to do so I don't see why you're having such a tough time accepting these new rules."
13 years ago
- "Perhaps my sense of justice differs from yours. I promised an inmate that I would keep watch one someone and I intend to do-
13 years ago
-it. He believes he is innocent, and call me crazy.. I believe him."
13 years ago
sighs. "Is this about inmate Yong Soo once again?"
13 years ago
shakes his head.
13 years ago
- "Then who?"
13 years ago
- "The Danish man, Soren spoke of someone. His name escapes me at the moment."
13 years ago
massages his temples. "Herr Edelstein I will give it two days before these new rules are implemented and if you can prove this inmates
13 years ago
innocence I will forget about any of these changes and we can continue operating in the way we have been before, deal?"
13 years ago
adjusts his hat a little. "Sir, you are the warden. You hardly need to make deals with those of lesser power. I cannot prove-
13 years ago
-his innocent, and yes I understand how difficult I am being, but... honestly, what you want to do... Have you ever thought to ask them why-
13 years ago
-they done what they have done? These people are out of their minds. They've killed and stolen and done unthinkable things but why? -
13 years ago
-I assure you, if you stopped to ask one of them, you would feel the same way."
13 years ago
listened to this entire conversation intently before he decided to speak up. "Roderich, these people are here because they made a choice to
13 years ago
play God, something that no human has the right to do. They took a life, used others, or knowingly put others in danger. Further more, we
13 years ago
are not an institute fit to handle the criminally insane. Why a select few of the inmates were sent here is a shinning example of the short
13 years ago
comings of our government and judicial system. However given that, we cannot treat them as they need to be treated, we lack the means. So it
Tino is
13 years ago
left to us, by no other choice, to deal with them as we would deal with any other prisoner. Whether it helps them or not is not something we
13 years ago
can afford to worry about."
13 years ago
- "Most of these inmates think of killing again anyway. That says a lot already." He adds in hoping the meeting would rap up soon.
13 years ago
agreed with the Turkish man, he'd actually never spoken to him before.
Turkey has
13 years ago
not spoken with the Fin but completely agrees with what he had to say. "However, I would like to add that we need a psychologist or someone
13 years ago
who is trained in assessing a prisoners mental health or even just so that the inmates have someone they can confine in. We may be able to
13 years ago
learn a lot by doing this."
13 years ago
agrees with that, it seemed necessary. He nodded to that but stayed quiet now. Hopefully this meeting wouldn't go on much longer.
Germany likes
13 years ago
that idea. "Well, you have a lot of experience with crime Herr Adnan and so I believe you should take this position." He says keeping a
13 years ago
steady gaze on the Turkish man.
13 years ago
's eyes narrow at this statement. That was suppose to be kept confidential. "Whatever you wish sir." He replies through gritted teeth.
13 years ago
raises a brow at that exchange. He watched the two of them for a moment before he cleared his throat. "Can we call this meeting over then?"
13 years ago
nods. "Meeting adjorned. Herr Adnan if you could stay after the meeting I need to have a word with you."
13 years ago
watched the warden for a moment, he hardly thought it was fair for him to be holding something against one of the guards. He had seen this
13 years ago
13 years ago
crosses his arms but waits for everyone to leave.
13 years ago
leaves now since the meeting is over. He had decided in this case it was best to listen and keep quiet.
13 years ago
quietly left the office with that.
13 years ago
(( Should I just assume everyone left, Sadiq? ))
13 years ago
(( Sure, I don't see why not. ))
Kiku will
13 years ago
listen to and imlement any changes Ludwig decided on, and leaves the meeting as silently as he came, though curious about what
13 years ago
the pair needed to discuss. ((now everyones gone haha; ))
13 years ago
(( xDD Kiku...don't leave me here alone with dictator ass stick!! DD: ))
13 years ago
((xD tsktsk, saying such things about our warden. call him back in chara if you really want =u= ))
13 years ago
(( I'm not that baddd!! DDD: ))
13 years ago
((poor Luddy *pats* Kiku believes in you!))
13 years ago
(( /sobs quietly At least someone does. ))
13 years ago
walks over to Sadiq and stands in front of him with a frown.
13 years ago
((Fin likes ya))
13 years ago
scowls. "What...?" He pauses when the look doesn't let out. "No."
13 years ago
(( I don't hate you that much. xD ))
13 years ago
(( Finnnn~ : D ))
13 years ago
13 years ago
crosses his arms. "You owe me that much."
13 years ago
(( ... pff was here in spirit... just make it look like I fell asleep or something ))
13 years ago
(( Haha, drunk and passed out on the table, Ivan? xD ))
13 years ago
sits on the edge of the table. "How much more do I owe you, Ludwig?" He growls. "I seem to owe you a lot lately."
13 years ago
- "I wouldn't be asking you if I thought you have re-paid me completely." He answers as he steps forward. "I promise you're almost free."
13 years ago
tenses. "I feel like putting my honour on the line for you is payment enough..." He says. "I'm being degraded with some of the things you
13 years ago
make me do..."
13 years ago
hooks his finger in the collar of Sadiq uniform pulling him forward. "Don't tell me that you don't enjoy it..." He mutters as he gently
13 years ago
trails his hand down the Turks chest.
13 years ago
(( Yeah! 8D That's pretty much it! xD ))
13 years ago
grabs the offending hand holding it in place. "What time?" He scowls.
13 years ago
's lip quirks up. "Same time as usual."
13 years ago
scowls and nods before pushing the other off of him and storming out of the meeting room.
13 years ago
doesn't say anything as he gathers his papers and leaves as well.
13 years ago
( So I've noticed you're dating Italy. Did you still want to continue with what we had in mind? )
13 years ago
( Mmm, ja, I am but I wouldn't mind going through with what we have planned...although I think the event will be over sometime soon )
13 years ago
((You have until the end of sunday, EST))
13 years ago
( Ahh, gotcha. )
13 years ago
( Hmmmm....that doesn't give us much time. Let's just forget it and call it an event. xD )
13 years ago
( Pfft, sounds good. )
Yong Soo
13 years ago
( Hey Sadiq. You should go sex Korea. I think that's a good idea. )
Yong Soo
13 years ago
( he's going through a hard time right now. You could make him feel better. With your penis.)
13 years ago
( Yong Soo xD )
13 years ago
( xD That can easily be arranged. )
Yong Soo
13 years ago
( ... I'm quite candid about my feelings/lustforSadiq/ inappropriate feelings/ random urges. It's a good trait. )
13 years ago
( I'll make a plurk. )
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