Miss_Gemini is
13 years ago
back after a lovely few weeks in the sunshine
latest #21
13 years ago
wb x
Miss_Gemini says
13 years ago
Thank you Pip dear
13 years ago
how was the holiday?
Miss_Gemini says
13 years ago
It was wonderfully relaxing and warm. I feel revived and ready to hurt people again.
13 years ago
coming from anyone else I'd raise an eyebrow at that statement, lol
Miss_Gemini says
13 years ago
But you know me so well dear, you do know how much I enjoy hearing them whimper and beg.
13 years ago
lol .. so still not embracing your fluffy side then?
13 years ago
Miss_Gemini says
13 years ago
Of course I am Pip dear, I have my fluffy slippers to slip on while they are wearing a blindfold.
Miss_Gemini says
13 years ago
Thank you Kis, sweetie.
13 years ago
:-o you mean you dont wear the fuck me killer heels at all times ?? *faints* you've just totally shattered my vision of a Domme ;-)
Miss_Gemini says
13 years ago
It can be our little secret Pip. Along with putting the vibrator on a wet sponge for the phone sex lines.
13 years ago
13 years ago
Damn, I've been doing it all wrong .. I was using a St Bernard shaking its chops to sound like franktic fapping
Miss_Gemini says
13 years ago
Oh dear Pip, all that slobber, it would be worse than a sub with a ball gag in. Though I shall make a note of that one.
13 years ago
Miss_Gemini says
13 years ago
It may just be easier to get a nice, girlie, subbie to frantically fap though. More enjoyable to watch and less mess.
13 years ago
yeah, but then I'd get distrcated from the ironing ;-)
Miss_Gemini says
13 years ago
Gosh, you can iron and fap frantically? I am impressed dear!
13 years ago
<-- doesnt fap .. fakes it ;-)
Miss_Gemini says
13 years ago
I know exactly what you mean Pip, I fake my ironing all the time.
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