13 years ago
takes an afternoon nap in her cabin.
latest #91
Gilbert is
13 years ago
exploring the ship, wandering around the corridors and attempting to familiarise himself with it. He comes to a room and opens the door,_
13 years ago
not knowing that it is Mari's cabin until he sees her sleeping there.
Marianne is
13 years ago
sleeping peacefully in her hammock. She was rather tired today somehow, so she fell asleep.
13 years ago
notices her sleeping and backs away, wanting to close the door but something in a corner of the room catches his eye. He looks at her and_
13 years ago
sneakily approaches it, trying not to make a sound. It is a rather fine sword, and he hasn't seen a make like it. He wants to examine it_
13 years ago
closely, and picks it up, staring at it in awe and wondering where she got it from.
13 years ago
stirs, and makes a little noise. She turns over in the hammock and stops moving.
13 years ago
freezes for a moment, turning around to see if she was awake. She still seemed to be asleep. He continues to examine the blade. He runs a_
13 years ago
finger along the blade and suddenly realises it has cut him. He narrows his eyes and lets out a low hiss in pain. He didn't expect it to be_
13 years ago
that sharp.
13 years ago
starts to open her eyes, she sees a strange figure leaning over her sword and immediately snaps awake. She pulls out her knife and creeps up
13 years ago
to the man. She puts the knife to his throat and speaks in a low threatening voice. "Who are you? What are you doing in my cabin?"
13 years ago
nearly drops the sword in panic, but tries to keep calm. "I'm sorry," He mutters, feeling his throat move too uncomfortably near the blade_
13 years ago
as he speaks. "It's just Gil. I was exploring the ship and accidentally came in... and well... your sword looked interesting so..."
13 years ago
blinks for a while and finally wakes up. "...Gilbert, you startled me." She puts away her knife and shakes her head. "I could have slit your
13 years ago
throat by accident, you know?"
13 years ago
relaxes a little and turns around to face her. "Sorry..." He mumbles again. "I shouldn't have come in anyway..." He places the sword back_
13 years ago
in its original place. "Though that is one very interesting blade."
13 years ago
grins, "I know, I found it off some English pirates and I knew it was meant for me." She notices the cut on his hand and reaches out for it.
13 years ago
"You got cut?" She brings his hand up to her lips and licks away the blood. "You should get it wrapped or it'll fester."
13 years ago
nods at her explaination, and is surprised when she suddenly holds his hand and licks the blood away. "J-ja... I got cut. It's nothing too_
13 years ago
serious for the awesome me..." He blushes a little at the feel of her tongue on his finger though.
13 years ago
thought that the best way to clean wounds was by licking, since it was madness to wash wounds with salt water out at sea. "You should look_
13 years ago
for the ship's doctor if you do fall sick." she absent-mindedly licks her lips, still half asleep.
13 years ago
nods his head and blinks, looking at her yawn. "I guess I should leave, ja? You still seem rather tired..." He feels bad for interrupting_
13 years ago
her sleep now.
13 years ago
shakes her head, she can't go back to sleep now. "It's alright. You can look at the sword if you like, I'll just rest for a while."
13 years ago
turns to look at the sword, and then back at her. "I've already had a good look at it. It's okay... I should just let you rest..." He_
13 years ago
doesn't want to admit it but he realises how odd it is to be in a woman's room, and is starting to feel a little uncomfortable about it.
13 years ago
tilts her head and wonders if something is wrong. "Are any of the crew giving you a hard time?"
13 years ago
looks at her, surprised. "Huh? Nein, they're awesome people! Why would they give me a hard time...?" He wonders what made her think of that.
13 years ago
just thought he seemed uncomfortable and says so, "You looked... uncomfortable somehow."
13 years ago
shifts his weight slightly and looks down. "Well it's just that I hardly go into well... a woman's bedroom. That's about it..."
13 years ago
blinks and chuckles, "Are you... a gentleman?" She'd never met anyone like him. The only reason the crew didn't barge into her cabin was_
13 years ago
because she was the captain, not because she was female.
13 years ago
shrugs a little, looking embarassed. "I don't know if I should be considered a gentleman, but I know I'm awesome." He laughs softly.
13 years ago
chuckles, "I think you are, anyway. How rare in this world... "
13 years ago
grins. "Or for a pirate, for that matter. That makes me even more awesome, ja?" He laughs again.
13 years ago
pats him on the back and grins, "Oui, of course it is! Though I'm not too sure about the awesome part..." She winks to show she's teasing.
13 years ago
smiles at her teasing. "I'll prove it to you some way or another~ One day~" That was what he likes to say. And he will try his best!
13 years ago
smiles, "I'll look forward to that day then!"
13 years ago
"Though... aren't you angry with me for coming into your cabin...?" He knew most pirate captains would be. Privacy was very important to_
13 years ago
most of them, but she didn't seem to reprimand him for it yet. Which was rather odd.
Marianne is
13 years ago
lenient on him because he's new. It wouldn't do for her to kill all the new crew the moment they accidentally stepped into her cabin. "I can
13 years ago
take care of any thieves or assassins very well, cherie." Her lips twist into a feral grin. She was raised by pirates after all.
13 years ago
grins back at her. Well that was true, considering she nearly killed him for it just now. "I can see that."
13 years ago
nods and covers her yawn. She was still a little sleepy from the nap, and she wanted a cuddle from Isabella. She became rather spoiled since
13 years ago
Isabella joined the crew. "It wouldn't do for the captain to be weak, oui?"
13 years ago
nods. "It wouldn't." He notices her yawn. "I think I really should get going... ja?"
13 years ago
tilts her head, "You haven't finished exploring the ship?"
Gilbert thinks
13 years ago
about this for a moment. "Actually, I think I have. It was just this place I haven't seen yet..."
13 years ago
"Oh? Which place is it?" She'd thought that he would have finished exploring by now. It wasn't a very big ship.
13 years ago
"I meant this room~" He laughs. He didn't take that long to explore.
13 years ago
shakes her head and chuckles, she really wasn't awake yet. "Well, you've seen it now. What do you think of the ship?"
13 years ago
smiles. "She's a good ship. And you've got an awesome crew for her~"
13 years ago
laughs, "Is that because you're in it now?"
13 years ago
laughs along with her. "Maybe. Though the rest of your crew are pretty awesome as well!"
13 years ago
grins, "Of course, I picked them myself. We're all family here~"
13 years ago
nods. "And what an awesome family you have." He likes being called family, it makes it seem like he belonged.
13 years ago
smiles, "We all have a place here, oui?"
13 years ago
"Ja, we all do. That's what being a family is anyway, ja?"
13 years ago
"It is," she smiles. "Do you likie swords? Would you like to take a look at an old sword I have...?"
13 years ago
tilts his head at the mention of an old sword. "Ja, I do. And what old sword do you have...?" He is curious now.
13 years ago
(...likie. Pfft. -doesn't like school computer's keyboard-)
13 years ago
[[I was gonna point that out x3 But meh.]]
13 years ago
turns to the locked chest she keeps in a corner. She unlocks it before answering, "It was my father's sword... It's very old, I don't dare_
13 years ago
to use it, even." She pulls out a wrapped object and passes it to him.
13 years ago
carefully takes the object and starts unwrapping it slowly. His eyes widen at the blade. "It... it's really rare... Swords like these cost_
13 years ago
a lot on the black market..." He continues staring, the black market had tons of rare items like these, but none of the swords looked like_
13 years ago
this one.
13 years ago
smiles. "My father was a great pirate," she says with a wink. "Is the blade in good condition? I'm not familiar with these old blades..."
13 years ago
looks at the blade. Rust hasn't touched it yet, and he tests the blade with a finger. "It's not as sharp as it used to be, but you've done_
13 years ago
a good job by not letting it rust..."
13 years ago
[[hell yeah I'm making everything up as I go /feels awesome =w=]]
13 years ago
[Pfft! Me too! I didn't know I had my father's sword locked up in there. |D]
13 years ago
13 years ago
tilts her head, she can see that Gilbert is good with weapons. The sword would go to waste locked up in there anyway... "Why don't you keep_
13 years ago
it? As a welcome gift from me."
13 years ago
stares at her in surprise. "But it's your father's..."
13 years ago
shrugs, "That it was, but it is mine to give away now, oui? It's fine, it's not like I used it at all. It would be a shame to let it rust in
13 years ago
this chest. I bet it longs to taste blood again," she grins.
13 years ago
grins back at her and wraps the sword up again. "It /is/ a fine blade. And since you insist, I shall keep it."
13 years ago
[It'snot5metersthough -shotshot-]
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
[[though you /do/ realise that a 5m blade is impossible to fight with, let alone lift. c8]]
13 years ago
13 years ago
grins and makes a shooing motion. "Go practice with it, I'll finish my nap now. I won't be so nice the next time you wander in here. oui~?"
13 years ago
grins and nods. "Ja, I will. And don't worry, I won't come in here again~ That was just by accident~"
13 years ago
yawns and settles back into her hammock, trusting Gilbert to find his own way to the door. She returns to sleep.
Gilbert is
13 years ago
rather happy with the sword, and he smiles at her once more and exits the room, quietly closing the door behind him.
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