16 years ago
Know someone getting a DSLR?
latest #15
16 years ago
Me... if I can find some way to raise th emoney to replace my stolen one
thecolor says
16 years ago
I wish. :-(
16 years ago
Canon has been on Amazon for like 649. Down from 799. Trust me, if I had the money last week I'd have been all over that!
danes96 says
16 years ago
tonychall: i just did! :-)
danes96 says
16 years ago
tonychall: and i lot of practicing to do. :-)
tonychall says
16 years ago
danes96 Yeah I just got one as well. I bought a Sony Alpha 300k. Which one did you get?
danes96 says
16 years ago
tonychall: i got the nikon d90. i made the switch from my canon powershot compact
tonychall says
16 years ago
danes96 Cool. That is supposed to be a great camera. I went with the Sony because I got a really great deal on the camera and accessories
danes96 says
16 years ago
tonychall: sony is a good brand. the price is a bit steep for me. but if i had the means, i'd go with sony
16 years ago
The Nikon D90 is ALMOST enough to get me to give up my love of Canon. OMG, I have lust big time for that baby!!!!
16 years ago
And until the new Sony's, I've maintained "Sony is a walkman" but the new Sony is very inexpensive and crampacked with features. Good buy
16 years ago
especially for an SLR newbie!!!!!
16 years ago
I'm still wanting middle of the road price - the Canon XSi. I need to get a new camera again so I can get back into taking pro shots.
16 years ago
So if anyone stumbles on the pot of gold, let me know where to get a few pieces ;-) *GRINS*
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