13 years ago
calls Lithuania while on his trip.
latest #100
13 years ago
pokes his head out from his couch blanket-nest and blinks at the phone for a few moments before smiling. He answers. "Hi."
13 years ago
squeals and gives a huge grin. "Hej, Liet~~! I've, like, totally missed hearing your voice..." He wraps the phone cord around his finger.
13 years ago
scoots around to get more upright. "I've missed you too." He pats his hair down a little. "Where are you now?"
Polska thinks
13 years ago
about this for a moment. "My boss took me an' his family to, like...I don't even know. There's, like, snow and junk...totes grody, y'know?"
13 years ago
notes that this does not rule out very many places at all, especially for this time of year. "Oh, that's too bad. It's snowing here too."
13 years ago
makes a clucking sound with his tongue. "Ew...snow is, like, totally gross." He pauses for a moment. "...I'm, like...sorry I've been gone so
13 years ago
long, Liet..."
13 years ago
rubs his eye and sighs. "It's not your fault. You have to do work at some point. It just...happened all at once."
13 years ago
looks down at the floor, feeling guilty for once. "Aj, well...I, like...haven't been able to sleep, 'cause...'cause you're not, like, next
13 years ago
to me and junk, y'know?" He says apprehensively.
13 years ago
pulls the blanket over his head. "...yeah...I think I've cleaned everything in the house....four times." he admits.
13 years ago
((compulsive cleaner, what.))
13 years ago
remembers Lithuania's habit of cleaning when he was distressed, and sits down in the nearest chair.
13 years ago
"Aj, I, like, really am sorry...I, like, totally didn't think I'd be gone for, like, ever...are you, like...okay?" He says softly,
13 years ago
concern in his voice.
13 years ago
"I'm okay....I miss you." He goes silent for a moment, trying to figure out how to say the next part. "....Russia....visited."
13 years ago
freezes for a very long moment, his eyes widening.
13 years ago
"A-aj...what...what happened?" He says finally, his voice uncharacteristically flat.
13 years ago
scratches the back of his neck. "Not much, really..." He sighs. "I think Belarus was chasing him again. He hid in a closet for a while, and
13 years ago
when I went to check on him again, he wasn't there...."
13 years ago
((Russia, if you see this, sorry, I just kind of made up an ending... :c ))
13 years ago
((XD Liet, you're awesome, f'real))
13 years ago
makes a frustrated noise. "Was he, like...you don't...aj, Liet, I..." He says, unable to finish a sentence.
13 years ago
furrows his eyebrows. He might be able to hazard a guess, but it would be safer not to. "Was he what?"
13 years ago
looks uncomfortable, although Lithuania can't see his expression. "Aj, just, like...a-are you okay?" He says again, unable to bring himself
13 years ago
to ask a more specific question. He bites his lip, looking unusually apprehensive.
13 years ago
nods and makes an affirmative sound. "I don't think we even talked for five minutes...." He decides to not mention how he checked every
13 years ago
closet in the house when he found Russia was gone.
13 years ago
doesn't say anything for another, longer, moment. "...I'm, like...sorry I wasn't there to pro...like that time..."
Liet feels
13 years ago
his breath catch. That was a bad time for everyone... "Lenki...what else could we have done? It's not your fault..."
13 years ago
sniffles slightly. "I-I just..." He trails off uncertainly, trying to hold back tears.
13 years ago
curls up tighter. "H-hey, it's okay..." He frantically thinks of something to distract him. "Tell me...tell me what you're doing tomorrow."
13 years ago
wipes his eyes with the back of his sleeve and gives a shaky sigh. "A-aj, well...I think the President is, like, taking me an' his family
13 years ago
skiing tomorrow..." He says, still sounding depressed.
Liet thinks
13 years ago
that's a good starting point, at least. "Is it at a lodge? Maybe they'll have a hot tub or a spa..."
Polska thinks
13 years ago
about this for a moment. "I, like, totally don't know...if there is, you should most def come join, Liet~!"
13 years ago
blinks. That...sounds like a really good idea, actually. "I...okay. If you let me know where you are, (and you're still in Europe *cough*)
13 years ago
I can meet you there."
13 years ago
grins and claps excitedly. "Yay~! That's, like, soooo totally awesome~! We're, like, totes in Switzerland, and you should, like, totes come
13 years ago
over!" He said, his voice rising dramatically.
13 years ago
usually tries to avoid pulling rank, but he thinks his boss will forgive him this time. He smiles. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." He'll just
13 years ago
get the address from his boss.
13 years ago
squeals loudly. "This is, like, soooo totally exciting! O~M~G~ I totally can't wait to, like, see you again!"
Liet feels
13 years ago
his mood raise with Poland's. "I can't wait to see you either." He's pretty proud of himself for cheering Poland up. "...ah...I don't...
13 years ago
"have to talk to your boss, do I?"
13 years ago
pauses for a moment. "Oh, like, probably not. He'll totes be there, though. Why?"
13 years ago
makes a strange noise and blushes. "D-don't worry about it..." As long as he doesn't have to talk to the man, he could probably survive
13 years ago
the day without complete embarrassment.
13 years ago
shrugs it off easily. "Okay, like, whatevs, then! Aj, Liet, I, like, totes can't wait to have sex with you again!" He shrieks.
13 years ago
really, really hopes Poland is alone right now. Or at least not in public. He would settle for not in public. "...ah. Yes. Um." After a
13 years ago
moment, he adds (much quieter) "...me too."
13 years ago
squirms happy in his seat IN AN OFFICE SOMEWHERE WHUT. His eyes widen in slight surprise before his grins stretches wide. "That makes me,
13 years ago
like, so happy, Liet..."
Liet is
13 years ago
somewhat tomato colored at this point. Good thing the house is empty and he has this blanket to hide under. "....I-I'm glad."
13 years ago
"Mmm...I'll even, like, totally let you bottom again, too, if you want!" He says happily, not at all perturbed by the conversation.
13 years ago
just. short circuits. "....I...wha..." HOW CAN HE JUST SAY THINGS LIKE THAT?
13 years ago
giggles. "Aj, if you don't want to, I, like, totally don't care. You know I like being on bottom more, anyway, 'cause it totally feels
13 years ago
like, amazing and junk, y'know?" He rambles on.
13 years ago
rubs at his cheek, like that will help the blush fade. "W-what....you.....okay....?" He groans, and tries to kick his brain into gear.
13 years ago
"Whatever y-you like...."
13 years ago
grins happily into the phone. "Tak, it'll be, like, sooo totally awesome! I'll get, like, all the supplies ready that I can and junk, 'kay?"
13 years ago
blanches at 'supplies'. He really hopes it's nothing too...extravagant. Or ridiculous. Or weird. Or....oh, he is so screwed. Literally.
13 years ago
tries to reassure himself. What could Poland have possibly brought with him? "O-okay...you...you do that."
13 years ago
nods vigorously. "Tak, like, for sure! Oh, and I forgot a few things, so can you, like, bring 'em for me? They're, like, in the box under
13 years ago
our bed."
13 years ago
vaguely recalls said box. He goes upstairs and drags it out from under the bed, blanket still over his shoulders. "Sure, what did you need?"
13 years ago
waves his head airly. "Aj, just take, like, whatever you think will feel best."
Liet gives
13 years ago
his phone an odd look. "O-okay..." He opens the box and....oh.
13 years ago
can feel the heat creeping up his face as he blushes. He lets go of the box like it's scalding and scoots away from it. "L-LENKI! When d-did
13 years ago
all this GET HERE?"
13 years ago
would whistle innocently if he knew how to whistle. "Aj, I've, like, always had that stuff. Remember that one time, back in '97, when I took
13 years ago
a pair of *BLEEP* and *BLEEPED* your *BLEEP* up in the *BLEEP* until you were *BLEEP* *BLEEP* *BLEEEEEEEEP* and pushed in a *BLEEP?"
13 years ago
's brain completely melts and he hangs up. He sits on the floor and tries to bring his breathing and heart rate down.
13 years ago
....that was probably not the best thing to do.
13 years ago
continues to talk into the phone until he realizes that he hears a dial tone. He stares at the phone in shock for a moment before pulling
13 years ago
up Lithuania on speed dial and calling him back, already crying big crocodile tears.
13 years ago
sighs when the phone starts ringing again, and picks up on the second one. ".....sorry."
13 years ago
sobs loudly into the phone. "W-why would you just, like, hang up on me, Liet!? D-don't you love me?"
Liet feels
13 years ago
his stomach sink. "O-of course I do! I j-just...got....embarrassed." He pokes the box with his foot.
13 years ago
"W-why is that?" He says, hiccuping through his tears.
13 years ago
tries not to get frustrated. "....b-because you were saying all those things...?"
13 years ago
continues to cry. "B-but...I-I only say that stuff 'cause I love you an' you're so hot an' you're totally the only one I want to have
13 years ago
sex with an'
13 years ago
13 years ago
sex with an' I just want you to feel the same way about meee..." He cries harder.
Liet feels
13 years ago
pretty guilty now. "...but I do feel the same way about you. I j-just can't...SAY it that way. Please..." His breath catches a little.
13 years ago
"Please don't cry..."
13 years ago
sniffles and wipes his nose on his sleeve. "R...realnie?" He says, still crying a little.
13 years ago
lies back on the floor, relieved. "Yes, really. ...Myliu tave, Lenki. Always." Even when you completely embarrass him.
13 years ago
wipes away the last of his tears and smiles hesitantly. "That makes me, like, totally happy, Liet. Do I make you horny, too?" He asks, his
13 years ago
tone expectant.
13 years ago
knows he won't be able to dodge this one. He rolls over and pulls the blanket back over his head. "....yes. You do."
13 years ago
squeals so loudly that it would actually qualify as a scream. "Yay~~! That's, like, soooo totally awesome, Liet!"
Liet is
13 years ago
glad that Poland (at least) is pleased with his admission. Not that he's ashamed of the fact, just...having to say it out loud.
Polska is
13 years ago
satisfied with this. "Hej, so, bring a few different things when you come visit, 'kay?"
13 years ago
makes a non-committal noise. Maybe if he gets back the courage to actually look in the box. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"
13 years ago
nods happily. "
13 years ago
"Tak, like, totally! Bye, Liet! I love you~!" He makes a kissing sound into the phone.
13 years ago
laughs. "Love you too." He kisses his phone.
13 years ago
giggles and hangs up. He stares at his empty bed with a sigh, realizing he won't get any sleep tonight, either.
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