Marianne is
13 years ago
taking a walk around town before setting sail for treasure.
latest #70
13 years ago
sees a fancy lady and wonders if she has treasure. >w>
Marianne is
13 years ago
all dressed up for a simple walk around town. She just wanted to show off her new clothes- it wasn't often that she got to do that. The only
13 years ago
thing missing was her dear Isabella~ She was looking for a present for her after all. She spots a jeweller's store and ducks in.
13 years ago
arches a brow and follows her inside, looking around. She comes to lean over the counter to see what she's looking at. A pickpocket
Amelia was
13 years ago
probably the best course of action.
Marianne has
13 years ago
sensed that someone is following her. You don't survive for very long as a pirate if you don't observe your surroundings. She pretends to_
13 years ago
be enthralled by a pendant and leans on the counter.
13 years ago
smiles and looks at it. She was hardly one for tact and sneaking. "Oh! That's pretty. Gonna get it??"
13 years ago
looks up and realises the person following her was a woman. A rather pretty one, in fact. If her heart didn't already belong to Isabella...
13 years ago
"Oui, it's pretty. I might... Ah, did you want this too?"
13 years ago
leans against her elbow and smiles down at it. "... Pretty I guess. I got no use for a pretty bauble like that though really."
13 years ago
smiles, "Non? Surely every woman likes these sparkles?" She wonders why this woman was following her. Perhaps talk would loosen her tongue.
13 years ago
frowns. "I guess it's pretty or something. Not my style though." She laughs and winks. "The prettiest ladies don't need sparkles yeah?"
13 years ago
grins, she liked her personality. "Mais oui! A jewel like yourself would only outshine the others, non?" She winks and chuckles.
13 years ago
laughs delightedly and glances over her again. "Of course. I'm quite a gem. ... Are you in the market for pretty baubles then, shug?"
13 years ago
shakes her head and smiles, "Non, I already have my treasure." She turns back to the counter and continues looking at the rings, thinking to
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give one to Isabella.
13 years ago
blinks at this and furrows her brow. "... Why'dya need that silly piece of jewelry then huh?" She sounds genuinely curious at this point.
13 years ago
turns to Alicia and smiles secretively. "Treasure for my treasure, of course. Well, I suppose it's more of a claim than anything..." _
13 years ago
Isabella would be happy with some good maps, she's sure. She wants to show the world that Isabella is hers though, so she's here for a ring.
13 years ago
blinks at this and tries to process that for a moment. "... Treasure for treasure...?" she mumbles slowly. "... Oh! Ya buying something for
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a sweetheart then." Her expression falls a bit. She couldn't steal from someone buying something for their love.
13 years ago
"Oui~ For my amante~" She is curious when the woman's expression seems to fall. Perhaps she had love troubles? "Are you alright, cherie?"
13 years ago
blinks and perks up again, waving her hand. "Oh no, hun," she responds quickly and honestly. "I was actually gonna try and snatch up a bit
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o' gold from ya cause I thought you were some sorta prissy rich lady squandering good money... But if it's for love..." She shrugs and
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smiles. "That's not wasteful in my opinion."
13 years ago
blinks at the woman's honesty. She is rather surprised; thieves usually weren't so blunt. "...I... see. You're living alone in the streets?"
13 years ago
laughs. "Oh heavens no." She waves her hand a bit. "... I'm trying to run a bit of a boarding house, ya see. I'm trying to get people off of
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the streets!"
Marianne was
13 years ago
about to recruit her for her crew, but since she had such a noble mission... She decided she would be wasted on pirating. "Come with me for_
13 years ago
a bit," she says, walking out of the shop and into the streets.
13 years ago
blinks and chews on her. "I thought you were doing something for a sweetheart... I dun wanna get in the way of that..." She's following her
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already though.
13 years ago
shakes her head, "I'm going to look elsewhere for her ring. Come this way," she leads the way down a deserted alley and waits there.
13 years ago
blinks at this and follows her in a confused sort of way. She was too trusting-- even with all the things she'd been through-- but she walks
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down the alley with her.
13 years ago
looks around to make sure there's no one else around before pulling out a small pouch. She passes it to the woman- she still didn't know her
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name, but she felt like she could be trusted- and speaks, "For your boarding house. You should change those into gold one at a time; I'd say
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you have your ways of exchanging gems for gold, eh?" The pouch held some of the assorted small jewels they'd gotten in their latest raid. It
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should provide enough gold for a boarding house for a few months, she thought.
13 years ago
blinks at her in surprise but gives her a brilliant smile. "... Oh really Miss? You sure you don't want to keep one of these to make a
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pretty ring for your sweetheart?" She's already tucking the pouch away in her clothes. "I mean I can definitely use this Miss; it'll be put
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ta good use!" She smiles at her in a wide eyed thankful way.
13 years ago
smiles, "It's rare to see an honest young'un like yourself. Work for your dream, cherie. My Isabella doesn't care much for trinkets either."
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chuckles, "Just make sure you put those to good use, oui?"
13 years ago
smiles a little at this and tilts her head. "You're a pirate right? I met lotsa nice pirates lately, much nicer than Navy men at least. Wait
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a second!" She reaches into a pocket hidden against her breast and produces a locket. "... this is from my Mom a long time ago... Give this
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to your lady yea? Mom told me I was a lil bird back then. Fly free but always come home." She giggles softly and puts it in Marianne's hand.
13 years ago
(Pfft! You even have a picture! xD)
13 years ago
( ... I'm good like that okay okay =w= )
13 years ago
nods and smirks at the comparison to the Navy. There were good and bad pirates though. Her eyes widen when the locket is offered. "I can't_
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take this, if it's from your mother..." She pushes it back into the woman's hands. "I don't even know your name, cherie."
13 years ago
shakes her head. "That just means there's a lot of love in that lil locket, shug. My name is AJ, so now you can take it yeah?" She leans up
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and kisses her cheek, pushing the locket into her hands again.
13 years ago
purses her lips, she can't possibly take something from her mother! "Non, non, cherie. This locket is your treasure, non? I can't take this.
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Isabella would have my head if she knew I accepted this!" She tucks the locket back into AJ's pocket swiftly. "If you want to repay me for_
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the gems, which is unnecessary, I'll take anything but that locket." She is adamant about this.
13 years ago
pouts at her sadly and tilts her head. "... Now come on sweetie. It's the best thing I got and it'd be better in the hands of someone who'd
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actually wear it." She looks down over herself. She didn't have anything else. She didn't buy things that she didn't need. >3<
13 years ago
shakes her head, "I really can't accept it. However..." She leans forward and steals a kiss. "I'll take that as payment, oui?" She winks and
Marianne hopes
13 years ago
Isabella isn't anywhere nearby. "I'll give you my name, cherie. I am Marianne Bonnefoy. If we ever meet again, just ask and I'll help. Good_
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luck with that boarding house,": she says with a smile.
13 years ago
blushes at this and rubs at her cheek, not used to be kissed like that. She squirms a little and pushes her hair behind her ear. "... Mary
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then..." She winks at her and gives her a hug. "... If you ever need me shug, just look for the Blue Jay, alright? Like Robin Hood but with
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better tits." She laughs again and kisses her cheek. "Thanks for you help."
13 years ago
grins and hugs her. "Oui, I will. My ship passes by this town quite often, I'll find you the next time we hit port then."
13 years ago
smiles at this. "I'd love ta see ya again. You're quite nice! Have fun with your sweetheart yeah?"
13 years ago
nods and makes a mental note to stop by this town again. "I will, cherie~" she winks and waves goodbye. "Stay safe now!"
13 years ago
smiles at this and waves happily at her. "Bye bye Miss Mary. See ya later!"
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