Jake Black says
13 years ago
So it's 3 am in the morning and i still haven't sleep yet . *yawns*
latest #25
Nessie Cullen
13 years ago
Go to sleep Jake.
Jake Black says
13 years ago
No can do. :-P make me :-D
Nessie Cullen
13 years ago
Cool, is that so, :-D I just took a nap awhile ago.
Jake Black says
13 years ago
okay , i'm not that sleepy . *grins* what do you want to do ?
Nessie Cullen
13 years ago
what do you prefer?
Jake Black says
13 years ago
Can i Eat first ? *laughs*
Nessie Cullen
13 years ago
Ofcourse, Grandmom Cooked for you. go to the kitchen then.
Jake Black says
13 years ago
wait here . *runs to the kitchen*
Nessie Cullen
13 years ago
Sure sure!
Jake Black says
13 years ago
I'm Back ! Okay I'm so Full . Now.. *moves closer to you* what do you want to do ?
Nessie Cullen
13 years ago
Let's do the Chicken dance! Did you know that? Uncle Emmett's love that! (LOL)
Jake Black says
13 years ago
*laughs* sure sure . you do it and i'll watch :-)
Nessie Cullen
13 years ago
Nah! just watch me, you'll look ridiculous if you will do it too :-P
Jake Black says
13 years ago
HAHAHA . are you insulting my abilities to do the *voice more deeper* Chicken dance ?
Nessie Cullen
13 years ago
*laughs hard* It is sort of like that.
Jake Black says
13 years ago
then watch me do it . *dance*
Nessie Cullen
13 years ago
*laughs at jacob*
Jake Black says
13 years ago
*looks at you while dancing* what are laughing at . *dance* dance ! :-))
Jake Black says
13 years ago
Nessie Cullen
13 years ago
*laughs hard* Wow! you looked like a psycho.
Jake Black says
13 years ago
and i'm still dancing alone . *stops for a while*
Jake Black says
13 years ago
*dances again* this is good exercise !
Nessie Cullen
13 years ago
*starts to dance with Jake* it's like this! not like that! *sticks tongue out at you*
Jake Black says
13 years ago
oh really ? *dance a bit faster* HAHAHAHA . I'm so enjoying this (LOL)
Nessie Cullen
13 years ago
I told you. hahaha! (LOL)
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