Marianne is
13 years ago
sailing the seas in search of English pirate ships to board.
latest #189
Isabella wonders
13 years ago
if it's the same ship they'd been stalking for a while now.
Marianne thinks
13 years ago
that's unlikely, but it looks like it has treasure so they're going to chase it.
13 years ago
can always hope, right? She loves treasure though and wants to know if she can join in the raid...
13 years ago
"Of course~ It's probably full of Spanish treasure, just waiting to fall into our hands! Come, let's move towards the ship!" She orders her_
13 years ago
crew into action and pats her sword in anticipation.
13 years ago
chuckles. "You're the best, cap'n." She steps back and makes sure that everything goes well while they're preparing to attack the ship.
13 years ago
waits for her ship to reach the side of their victim before ordering the boarding planks to be placed. "Let's go!" She leads the charge and_
13 years ago
crosses swords with anyone in the way.
13 years ago
whistles, following behind Marianne to make sure no one harms their captain. She can feel adrenaline rushing through her veins right now--
13 years ago
quickly evades the incoming slash. "Tch."
13 years ago
slashes the man in front of her and ducks the retaliating stab. She crosses swords with him and kicks out at his middle, winding him before_
13 years ago
delivering the killing blow. She spins around and catches a wild slash on her cheek. Wincing at the bleeding cut, she kicks the attacker.
13 years ago
bites her lips as she cuts through another man, the blood spilling out from the wound. "Mari!"
13 years ago
hurried to go through the other's side, worried as she saw blood on her best friend's face.
13 years ago
turns at Isabella's cry and touches the cut on her face. She looks at the blood on her hand and her mouth sets into a grim line. "This is_
13 years ago
personal now." She pauses long enough to tell Isabella she's okay before jumping back into the fray.
13 years ago
isn't that convinced with the answer, but she'll bother the other about it later. Right now she needs to help Marianne to make sure that_
13 years ago
they're gaining the upper hand. Curses as someone left a cut on her upper arm. "Hijo de puta." Her eyes narrowed dangerously at the enemy
13 years ago
hears Isabella cursing but she can't turn back with the captain of the ship in front of her. He's wielding his sword with skill, and she_
13 years ago
can't help but admire his form as she parries his attacks and tries to slash his throat.
Isabella wishes
13 years ago
her captain luck with the fight. The crew of this ship isn't as easy as she thought they'll be.
13 years ago
Another slash and she ducked, pulling out her gun instead to shoot at the attacker.
13 years ago
fights long and hard, all her attention focused on this fight. She vaguely registers gunshots from Isabella's direction before she manages_
13 years ago
to land a lucky slash on the captain's throat. He dies slowly, so she takes his sword and leaves him there to help her crew. She slashes_
13 years ago
a man trying to sneak up on Isabella and is back-to-back with her now.
13 years ago
blinks when she heard the slash right behind her. "C-captain?!" She said, rather surprised before throwing a quick glance at_
13 years ago
where she thought Marianne was and found a corpse lying there. "Oh, you won!"
13 years ago
chuckles, feeling excited again as they defeated the rest of the crews.
13 years ago
"Of course I did, cherie~ Did you expect any less?" She winks and defeats the last man on board. "Search the ship and strip it of treasure_
13 years ago
men! Carry as much of it as you can, back to the ship! Remember to fill your pockets, my friends!"
13 years ago
"I expect more!" She cheered up considerably and shoots a wink back at Marianne's direction. "What will we do with the ship...?"
Isabella thinks
13 years ago
the ship is still pretty good and to let it go or to destroy it seemed like a waste but...
13 years ago
looks at the ship and considers it. It's larger than their ship, but it was too slow on the water. As pirates, they needed speed to catch_
13 years ago
up with their prey. "Mm, take off some of those larger planks. We might need them for repair someday. Leave the rest to sink and rot."
13 years ago
grins. "Alright then. Off to work, Captain." She steps closer to the other and wipes the blood off the face. "And get that treated now."
Marianne is
13 years ago
startled when Isabella wipes the blood on her face. She smiles and leans even closer to whisper in her ear, "It might heal faster if you_
13 years ago
kiss it better, mon amante~"
13 years ago
"Eh...?" She pulls her head back to give the other a confused look before finally getting it. "Psh, that won't work with me."
13 years ago
She chuckles and pecks both of her cheeks though. "Now go and treat them!"
13 years ago
chuckles at the confused look on Isabella's face; it was adorable. She pouts as she only gets kisses on her cheeks. "It won't get better_
13 years ago
without your kiss, amante~"
13 years ago
pokes her captain and shakes her own head. "No. I gave you a kiss--" She pauses before correcting it. "Two kisses even! Don't be so greedy!"
13 years ago
beams at her. "So go and treat that wound now or I'm going to drag you there~!"
13 years ago
continues pouting and puts her arms around Isabella's waist, resting her head on her shoulder. "Those don't count~ It has to be on the lips!
13 years ago
The lips!"
13 years ago
lets out a breathy laugh and pats the other on her back.
13 years ago
"You're so stubborn! How am I going to kiss you there if you rest your head on my shoulder, caro?"
13 years ago
perks up and stops leaning on her, instead turning to face her with an expectant look.
13 years ago
smiles at her and leans closer, pressing a kiss to the other's lips. It tastes like salt and blood... and gunpowder.
13 years ago
closes her eyes and leans into the kiss, tongue darting out to taste Isabella's lips- all sweetness with that hint of danger. She pulls away
13 years ago
first, smirking in triumph. She pulls Isabella close on a possessive impulse, proclaiming the Spaniard as hers to the crew.
13 years ago
licks her lips as soon as the other pulled away, tilting her head and wondering what's amusing the other so much.
13 years ago
"Mari~?" She tugs on the other's shirt. "I kissed you, so go treat your wound!"
13 years ago
grins, "It's fine now, since you gave me a kiss!" She pulls Isabella along as she returns to the ship, seeing that the crew was almost done_
13 years ago
with moving the treasure. "Everyone, gather on the deck!"
13 years ago
's mouth turns into an 'o' shape as she follows her. "Really? Kisses can heal your wound just like that...?" She winces when there's pain)
13 years ago
13 years ago
spreading on her upper arm and bites her lips to hold back the whimper.
Marianne is
13 years ago
watching her crew gathering when she hears the whimper. She immediately examines Isabella and realises there's a wound on her arm. "Bella!"
13 years ago
curses, she doesn't want to make her worry, especially when there's a lot of others who are in worse condition than her. "I'm okay, Mari~"
13 years ago
shakes her head and purses her lips, she wants to whisk Isabella into her cabin immediately to treat her wound, but as captain, she had to_
13 years ago
take care of all her crew too. She realises now that quite a few of them are injured and berates herself inwardly for not seeing that. She _
13 years ago
counts heads and makes sure everyone made it back before issuing orders. "Those who are injured, treat your wounds! Those who are still_
13 years ago
able, prepare to set sail!" She moves briskly to get the medical kit out and treats the injured herself, starting from the badly wounded.
13 years ago
"You guys listen to the captain~ Go and treat your wounds before she becomes scary!" She chuckles and proceeds to find the medical kit too,
13 years ago
wanting to offer help as much as she could. "Mari, don't forget your own wound. I don't want any scar to be left there..."
13 years ago
doesn't reply, concentrating on sewing up someone's cut. She works fast with practiced movements, and before long, everyone is patched up_
13 years ago
and preparing to set sail. As the ship sails away from their victim, she tugs Isabella into her cabin. "Show me your wound now."
Isabella is
13 years ago
glad to know that everyone's wound is patched up and she blinks, letting the other tug her to the cabin without protest.
13 years ago
"I told you, I'm okay. It's no biggie." She smiles. "Yours on the other hand..."
Marianne has
13 years ago
a stern expression and she gently tugs at Isabella's arm. "That, isn't nothing. I'm treating you now."
13 years ago
pouts but she shows the other her wound, not wanting to argue much longer. "I told you it's nothing... See? It's only a small" ouch "wound!"
13 years ago
carefully dabs ointment on the wound before wrapping it up firmly with a bandage. She slowly lays butterfly kisses on it as she stares into_
13 years ago
Isabella's eyes. "There, it's done," she murmurs.
13 years ago
purses her lips and watches the other intently as she treats her wound. "Huh? Mari..."
13 years ago
She can feel her heart beating harder with each kiss the other gave. "... gracias. Now let me treat yours."
13 years ago
Having finished what she wanted to do, Marianne obediently submits to treatment. She continues watching Isabella.
13 years ago
carefully cleans the wound first with alcohol before putting on the bandage over it. "You should be more careful when fighting..."
13 years ago
winces when the alcohol makes her wound sting. "He sneaked up on me, the bastard. I am careful, amante."
13 years ago
pats her head and nuzzles her once she finished treating the other. "That's not nice of the guy..." She mutters, thinking of the bastard.
Marianne has
13 years ago
already stopped thinking of her attacker and is focusing on Isabella. Her arms snake around Isabella's waist to pull her close so she can_
13 years ago
nuzzle back. Since she's sitting on the chair, she's nuzzling Isabella's belly and she breathes in her scent.
13 years ago
chuckles. "That kind of tickles, Mari..." She likes how close they are though right now. It's really calming.
13 years ago
As if the fight just a few moments ago never happened and they've been like this for a long time.
13 years ago
starts to think that Isabella doesn't realise her feelings, even though she's been so obvious. "...Bella, what do you think we are?"
13 years ago
"We?" She looks down to stare at her friend, wondering about the question. "Isn't it obvious? We're friends right? Really good friends...?"
13 years ago
finally realises the depth of Isabella's obliviousness and lets go of her for a while, just staring speechlessly. "I-Isa...."
13 years ago
furrows her brows, wondering what's wrong with her. "Mari...? Is something wrong?"
13 years ago
hesitates before speaking, "Isa... What do you think I feel for you?"
13 years ago
"Huh...? What do I think...?" She purses her lips, trying to understand the meaning of the question. "What do you mean, Mari...?"
13 years ago
"I mean... " She looks up at Isabella, feeling like she was on the edge of a cliff and about to fall over. "I mean... je t'aime, Isabella."_
13 years ago
she whispers so softly she's afraid Isabella won't hear it.
13 years ago
"Je t'aime...?" She repeats the words, looking at Marianne, feeling extremely confused now. "You mean... You..."
13 years ago
chews on her lips, unsure of what to say. "Te amo...?"
13 years ago
looks down, unable to look at Isabella, scared of her reaction. She'd thought that Isabella was willing to kiss her because she returned her
13 years ago
feelings, but since she didn't... She was afraid of what she would say. "...oui, Isabella. Te amo..."
13 years ago
dares not to look at the other's direction as well. She doesn't get it. Does this mean all this time they give each other kisses,
13 years ago
it's not out of friendship...? She doesn't know, she doesn't get it. "I-I... Marianne... I..." What is this feeling she has for the other..?
13 years ago
still refuses to look up. "I-If you hate me now... I understand... Y-You can leave the crew if you want..." She's starting to tear up, and_
13 years ago
her voice wavers at the last sentence.
13 years ago
's eyes widen at her words. "No!" She half-shouted and immediately clamps her mouth shut, realizing what she just did.
13 years ago
"I mean... Mari, I can never hate you... I can never leave you... I can never do any of those..."
13 years ago
closes her eyes as a sliver of hope rises in her chest. "T-Then... how do you feel about me, Isa... How...?" Tears slip down her cheeks.
13 years ago
"I..." She pauses, frowning at the tear. "Mari, I don't like seeing you cry... Don't cry, por favor..."
13 years ago
leans down to wipe the tear from the other's cheeks, pressing a soft kiss there. "I... don't know, Mari... Love...?_
13 years ago
I know I like you a lot and seeing you with other will probably hurt me but..." She bites her lips, still not sure about all of this.
13 years ago
trembles when Isabella wipes her tears and kisses her cheeks. She listens hard for her words, and her hopes rise bit by bit. "That.. That_
13 years ago
means that you could, right? me, that is..." She finally opens her eyes and looks up into Isabella's eyes, hope and sadness mixed in
13 years ago
her expression.
13 years ago
looks right back into the other's eyes, trying to calm the storm of emotions in her heart right now. "I..."
13 years ago
lets out her breath slowly and closes her eyes as she leans closer to press a gentle kiss on the other's lips.
13 years ago
"I... could not." She whispers. "Because I couldn't possibly love you more than I love you right now."
13 years ago
lets out a little gasp at Isabella's kiss and her words. She reaches out for her, clutching her close and finally letting her tears fall._
13 years ago
"I-Isa... amante... je t'aime," she says, "Je t'aime." She kisses her love, trying to convey the depth of her feelings through touch alone.
13 years ago
"Te amo, Mari..." She kisses her back, wrapping her arms around the other's waist and pulls her into a tight hug.
13 years ago
"Stop crying... I don't like seeing you cry..."
13 years ago
sniffs and wipes away her tears. "I can't help it... I'm too happy." Her lips can't help twisting into a grin and she picks Isabella up and_
13 years ago
and spins her around, laughing. "Je t'aime, Bella! Je t'aime!"
13 years ago
"Are you?" She lets out a small laugh as she was spun around. "You're going to get dizzy after this, I'm telling you~! _
13 years ago
Don't put the blame on me when that happens!"
13 years ago
sets her down and hugs her tightly. "I won't, because you're here," she says breathlessly. "Oh, Bella..." She nuzzles her neck for lack of_
13 years ago
words to describe her overjoyous feelings.
13 years ago
breathes in her smell, relishing in the fact that the other's right here with her and they're really close to each other.
13 years ago
"Th-that tickles..." She laughed, running her hand over the other's smooth hair.
13 years ago
only continues nuzzling in response, basking in Isabella's presence and their shared love. She couldn't believe it, it was like a dream come
13 years ago
13 years ago
couldn't believe what's happening either. Just a moment ago, her mind was in wreck and... "Te amo. Te amo para siempre, Mari."
13 years ago
"Me too, amante, me too..." She smiles at her, and leans forward for another kiss. She doesn't think she could ever get enough of Isabella.
13 years ago
giggles at the kiss. She gropes for the other's hand, and once she found it, she doesn't let her go.
13 years ago
"Oh, Mari... I-I'm sorry for making you cry before..."
13 years ago
shakes her head, "Non, non. There is nothing to forgive. We are... together now, aren't we?" She blushes a little.
13 years ago
pokes her blushing cheeks. The other looks so adorable right now, she feels like kissing her again. "Sí, Mari. We are now..."
13 years ago
's voice drops into a low whisper. "... You're mine now."
13 years ago
shudders when Isabella says those words in that... tone. "I-Isa... I thought I was the one who would seduce you..." she breathlessly_
13 years ago
whispers back.
13 years ago
chuckles, teasingly poking the other's cheek. "What? You can't be serious about that! I can't possibly let you do all the work!"
13 years ago
just grins and hugs her tightly. "I won't~ You'll make me lose control though, if you keep doing that." She continues nuzzling Isabella.
13 years ago
"Lose control...?" She nuzzles her back, a confused look on her face. "You mean like when that... that bastard left a scar on your face...?"
13 years ago
shakes her head and places butterfly kisses along her neck. Her voice low, she whispers, "No, I mean like this..."
13 years ago
closes her eyes, feeling a shiver running down her spine at the kisses. Her neck is rather... sensitive. "M-mm, I get it... Mari..."
13 years ago
kisses her neck, hands twisting in Isabella's hair. She grins mischieviously before nipping at her collarbone, making sure to leave a mark.
13 years ago
bites her lips, holding back the moan that's sure to come out if the other doesn't stop soon. "Mari...?" She asked hesitantly.
13 years ago
rests her head on Isabella's shoulder for a moment, "Oui, amante?"
13 years ago
"I... I'm just wondering..." She plays with the other's hair out of nervousness. "What... makes you love me...?"
13 years ago
blinks in surprise and moves back to take a good look at Isabella. She smiles softly and starts speaking, "Because you're my treasure, _
13 years ago
my amante.. You're the one I'm meant to be with. I can feel it, in here," she puts a hand over her heart.
13 years ago
blushes, not expecting that kind of answer. "But why..." She puts her hand over the other's, leaning to rest her forehead against the_
13 years ago
other's. "What do I did to deserve this kind of affection from you? You've already given me so much..."
13 years ago
smiles and kisses her cheek, "I give all of this willingly, cherie. Why wouldn't you deserve this? You're kind... you take care of everyone_
13 years ago
on our ship... Everyone likes you, you know?"
13 years ago
smiles warmly at the kiss, touching the spot the lips just kissed.
13 years ago
"But I... You took me in, remember? I'm just a stupid and silly girl back then, but you still took me in..._
13 years ago
And-- I... guess I just want to make sure everyone's okay..."
13 years ago
hugs her and shakes her head, "You deserve all this, cherie. Don't say otherwise, or I'll get sad."
13 years ago
"I don't want you to get sad." The words come out from her mouth just like that. She hugs her back, nuzzling closer. "Thank you, Mari..."
13 years ago
"I should be the one thanking you, you're everything to me, amante." She pulls her into a deep kiss.
Isabella feels
13 years ago
butterflies in her stomach as soon as she can feel the other's lips against hers. She kisses her back, as passionately as she could.
13 years ago
"I-I could say the same to you too..." Everything. She doesn't regret leaving home because she's able to see the world and meet the other.
13 years ago
leans into the kiss, hands around Isabella's waist starting to move lower...
13 years ago
doesn't notice the hands sliding lower. She wraps her arms around the other's neck, trying to deepen the kiss.
13 years ago
slides her hands under Isabella's shirt as she distracts her with the kiss. She just wraps her arms around Isabella's bare waist, enjoying_
13 years ago
the skin-to-skin contact. She was so warm...
13 years ago
shifts slightly, shivering at the touch. She likes it, the feeling of their skin against each other.
13 years ago
"Mari..." She hesitantly pulls back from the kiss, looking into her eyes.
13 years ago
notices the hesitation and stops. Did she move too fast? Maybe Isabella wasn't ready... She was being selfish and moving with her desires_
13 years ago
after all. "I-Isa..?"
13 years ago
curses inwardly when the other stops. She likes how the other's touching her... "D-don't stop..." She shakes her head, looking down.
13 years ago
"I was just..."
Marianne asks
13 years ago
gently, "Just what, cherie?" She hugs her loosely, not wanting to move on until she finds out why Isabella hesitated.
13 years ago
chews on her lips nervously. "A-are we doing it now...?" She quickly adds before the other could think of anything bad.
13 years ago
"Not that I don't want to! I'm just surprised..."
13 years ago
blinks, then smirks, leaning on her. "...we should move this to the mattress, oui?"
13 years ago
nods, leaning closer to her. "A-and the door." She doesn't want anyone to suddenly interrupt them or something like that.
13 years ago
had forgotten about the door; she quickly locks it before anyone thinks to walk in. She then tugs Isabella over to her mattress, pulling her
13 years ago
down on top of her. She smiles and kisses her collarbone.
13 years ago
lets out a relieved sigh at the sound of the door being locked. She lets herself to relax, although her heart is beating erratically _
13 years ago
from this. Her first time... with someone she really loves. Her hands shake a little as she tugs at the other's shirt. "Off."
13 years ago
shrugs off her shirt, grinning at Isabella's order. "You're ordering around the captain now, amante?"
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow, looking at her. "Oh, am I not supposed to do that?" She chuckles. "Maybe I should just let you do everything..."
13 years ago
shakes her head, "Non~ You can be my captain, Isa~" Her eyes half-lidded and hair in disarray, she's practically inviting Isabella on her. _
13 years ago
"Pretty please~?" She flutters her eyelashes and pouts.
13 years ago
kisses her pout and slowly unbuttons the other's shirt. She leans to whisper.
13 years ago
"I can't possibly say 'no' now that you've asked nicely like that, can't I?" She feels slightly nervous and awkward though...
13 years ago
shivers at the whisper. She pulls Isabella down for a desperate kiss, enjoying this as well as the many kisses that awaited for this night.
13 years ago
13 years ago
lounges on her bed next to her lover, sated from their night together. Her arms are still around Isabella, and she snuggles close to the_
13 years ago
13 years ago
blinks sleepily when the other snuggles close to her. She smiles at the sight of Marianne sleeping so peacefully.
13 years ago
"Sleep well, amor..." She smiles, pressing a kiss to her forehead before resuming sleep herself.
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