what do you need to know?
ok take a look at this pic and tell me how I could make the item a more complete package. Like what do you look for when shopping for those?
by those I mean piercings heh, not bloody face wounds with bone spikes shoved through
do people expect variations or texture options, or would it be ok as it is?
you mean, just the jewelry lying there and not IN flfesh?
i dont know whatthey expect, being a rl piercer/tattooshop know it all
I like to keep it fairly simple and old school
bone is DELICIOUS, and various antlers ..walrus penis. Wooods, and in metal i only accept stainless or black, usually matte XD
some people like the option of stainless steel or black for textures. I am quite pierced in RL but don't wear piercings in SL very often
although I'm not entirely sure why. I think it could be that I like multiples and they can be such a pain to mod to fit, especially if they
have shadow prims as well.
if its the packaging, i think close-ups are win since it helps a person understand HOW what their getting should or would look/be worn
yes, and mod is a must too, I've got a couple of multiple piercing sets that are resize scripted which are impossible and annoying.
ooh, yesss depends on how theyre made, those fuckton'd primtastic things. And I forgot shadows
well the shadows on there are a facial tattoo layer, so modding wouldn't be that complicated to most people I think
I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a metal texture option either
i can live in bone forever but ..ppl seem to like shiny
heh yeah I prefer grimy to shiny
and don't get me wrong, i love some shiny too! (less so in my metal) but mmm, bone and horn. Just sayin
I hate resize scripts too, so I would make it mod
shadows on a tattoo layer is fantastic, that sure beats moving a bunch of little prim shadows around! I love the bone and horn too, I had
just thought you meant input for metal piercings for some reason...my brain is not functioning today, sorry
mod better. I, for some reason, hate resize scripts. Only other thing my stupid, dead brain can think of now is "attach points" but
most ppl can fiddle w that easy enough
ah yes, good idea, have versions set to different attach points, thanks
oh how could I forget, yessss, attach points! I wear prim lashes 95% of the time, which usually attach to nose, so it's a bit of a bummer
when a piercing is set to attach to nose only. (mind you one can get around it these days, but still)
yeah do a couple attachment points it's very helpfull