Kiel (/¯°Д°)/¯ asks
13 years ago
You are driving home from work on a rainy day when you see three people standing at a bus stop. None of them have an umbrella and are very..
latest #25
..uncomfortable. The first is an old woman who is probably sufffering under the cold rain.
The second is an old friend of yours who once saved your life. The third is the girl of your dreams.
You have room in your car for one passenger. What do you do? :3
13 years ago
Step 1: I go to a nearby 7-11 and buy TWO umbrellas
13 years ago
Step 2: I go back to the bus stop and ask each where they're headed. I give the nearest one a ride first, and give the umbies to...
13 years ago
... the other two, telling them I'll come back for them ASAP
13 years ago
I assume I have my jacket on, so I'll give it to the one who's coldest while they wait for me to come back
13 years ago
and whoever's last, I'll treat them out to warm food. If I can drop by a coffee shop on the way, I'll get the other two coffee
Loooong. (LOL)
Personally, I'd just lend my friend the car keys, tell him to drive the old lady to her house, then come back for us (me and the girl)...
...while I take the chance and stand there in the rain with the girl of my dreams. (LOL)
13 years ago
ooooohhhh, good one :-D I guess I was thinking like a Guardian (LOL)
13 years ago
also, the Girl of my Dreams would not be caught dead in the rain, getting soaked :-P
13 years ago
she probably would also have helped the poor old lady home awhile ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
wait, check that: the girl of my dreams WOULD be getting soaked, but she'll be smiling because she did it by her own choice XD
13 years ago
so, yeah, Kay, I'd go with your Da Move. Goooood one, comrade :-D
Never miss a shot (LOL)
13 years ago
asintado ka nga eh (LOL)
13 years ago
.GT. says
13 years ago
as i have said in teh fezbook. . . i only have 1 answer~
.GT. says
13 years ago
*drives past them* SORRY NATATAE AKO!!
^ amp (lmao)
Moon Turkey says
13 years ago
.GT. says
13 years ago
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