Sabell wonders
16 years ago
why the guy on COPS hit his wife. I think he is just an asshole. (angry)
latest #7
noahcounte thinks
16 years ago
moist people who hit other people are assholes.
16 years ago
Moist people? :-D I agree, that's gross. :-P
noahcounte says
16 years ago
hahaha. Spell check isn't working in this flash thingie... MOST people. Though "moist people" is funnier.
NerdyNerak thinks
16 years ago
that was the most freakin' hilarious typo she's seen in a looooon time! (LOL)
16 years ago
16 years ago
noahcounte thinks
16 years ago
Freud would be proud
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