mrpcastillo wonders
15 years ago
if anybody is interested in knowing the weather in El Paso....
latest #10
KimberlyW says
15 years ago
TELL me...
candyteddy says
15 years ago
ah (LOL)
MinsSanti says
15 years ago
mrpcastillo says
15 years ago
cold, sunny.... I'm confused!
karebear_B says
15 years ago
haven't been outside, I do wonder
MinsSanti says
15 years ago
It's snowing outside.
mrpcastillo says
15 years ago
Snowing.... what part of town are you in?
Lease says
15 years ago
Man I miss snow.... I miss green trees, and grass, and 4 seasons.... and fresh seafood... (LOL)
mrpcastillo says
15 years ago
fresh seafood, what is that?
Lease says
15 years ago
Haha... not anything that we can get here that's for sure.
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