Saying that being offensive towards people because of where they're from isn't racism because "[x] is not a race"
SHINee's debuting in Japan in March and someone mentioned how in arama the thread about it was full of closet racism
someone was like "Korean isn't a race."
(note: I'm not pissed because it's SHINee; it could've been T-ara [who i can't stand] and I still would be this indignant)
ugh I guess if we're being nitpicky, though I fucking hate that too because it makes me black when I don't identify as black at all.
nothing wrong with being black, it's just not what I think of myself as.
but ANYWAY that doesn't stop it from being racism.
and it doesn't make it okay.
(which I know you're not saying it is, I'm just ranting)
also I fucking JUST TODAY (well, yesterday, it's 3 am) posted up a link to a list of daily effects of white privilege
not that this girl is white, because I have no idea, but the fact that she thinks it's okay to just steamroll over someone's
emotions about RACIST REMARKS because "it's not a race"
falls under the same sort of thing.
it's the same sort of shit I've had to deal with and it is a fucking solid fact that Koreans get SHIT FUCKING TREATMENT in Japan
ugh I'm just so mad I can't see straight. She's just trolling but when it comes to shit like this I can't

I'm sorry for bitching at you lins
but it basically just sounded like she thought that it was okay because they were Korean and that's not a race so whatever
ugh I was in such a good mood because I cheered myself up with a dance party and fucking this
he totally tried to sneak it in huh
that sounds really idiotic