nodanaonlyzuul shares
16 years ago
or overshares: NOOO! I feel an itch. I'm on antibiotics. Guess what is happening below the belt now :-( NO! ugggggh
latest #11
nodanaonlyzuul says
16 years ago
every. damned. time. I use. antibiotics. :-& there goes my mood all evening *shakes fist*
nodanaonlyzuul is
16 years ago
seriously feeling broken. Infection IN my nose has been bleeding, on antibiotics, on my monthly, and now THIS.
16 years ago
all at once (angry)
16 years ago
hahaha i literally almost yelled out "haha what the fuck?" in the office
16 years ago
i mean, i hope you get better.
16 years ago
awww get better, :-(((
16 years ago
haha keane! I mostly expect women-folk know the sad side effects of antibiotics :-) thank you <3
neilathotep says
16 years ago
eat a bunch of yogurt!
16 years ago
also, take probiotics with antibiotics
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