ayse says
16 years ago
OMG!! the Obamas' "terrorist fist-jab"?!
latest #34
ayse is
16 years ago
trying to pick her jaw up off the floor.
dcm says
16 years ago
lizard.beer is
16 years ago
especially pissed b/c that was one of the sweetest & my favorite-st pics of the future POTUS and FLOTUS ever. still LOVE that pic.
lizard.beer is
16 years ago
also comforted by the level of DESPERATION it took to come up with that interpretation. they are ascared of us!
dcm hates
16 years ago
that there might actually be someone out there who buys in to that bullshit
lizard.beer thinks
16 years ago
they are the same people who think Obama is a foreigner/Muslim who somehow has a scary Christian pastor. only the ignorant.
16 years ago
so whoever is stupid enough to believe that, was too long gone already.
16 years ago
last week Dunkin Donuts pulled an ad with Rachel Ray because a Fox commentator said she was wearing a terrorist-style scarf
ayse says
16 years ago
i love my pleeps. apparently, i'm sane, cos i had the same reaction you all did. phew.
Alphatude thinks
16 years ago
everyone should read this. It explains lucidly what is going on imho. www.wired.com/techbiz/me...
ayse says
16 years ago
dotlizard, how far out in swiftboat looneyland 1 wld have 2 go 2 come up w/ this i can't imagine, which, i suppose, is a good thing. :'-(
ayse says
16 years ago
xmath, i'm only just now off the ceiling from that rachel ray thing. idiots!!
xmath says
16 years ago
we are at least of like minds, the sanity issue is still up for discussion
16 years ago
you do a disservice to idiots everywhere
dcm says
16 years ago
catydid and I just did a terrorist fist-jab" because we don't love freedom
16 years ago
when you call Fox news idiots
16 years ago
ayse says
16 years ago
xmath is right. my sincerest apologies to idiots.
ayse says
16 years ago
dcm, remind me to give you a terrorist fist-jab when we see each other next. how about heading to the coffee shop soon?
dcm says
16 years ago
yes yes - I need to keep out of the office a bit more
lizard.beer will
16 years ago
make a point to do fist bumps everywhere with everyone for any reason. all the time. b/c she is a commie, & dangerous (g_rock_n_roll)
ayse says
16 years ago
thx, alphatude. "sink to the challenge," indeed. :'-(
16 years ago
also still thinks Rev. Wright had some good points there re: America, etc etc. so this makes me on any number of watchlists, right?
ayse says
16 years ago
rock it, dotlizard! you need to come down to NC and hang out w/ us latte-sipping, NY Times-reading, hippie treehuggers! (rock salute here)
ayse says
16 years ago
i wish i knew which lists i was on, cos i'm on something. i've signed every petition there is.
ayse says
16 years ago
dcm, my work ppl are threatening a staff mtg (dear jeebus, no!), so can't plan now, but i need time v. soon 4 just pen n paper (n coffee)!
dcm says
16 years ago
lemme know - Im always up for coffee shop working
ayse says
16 years ago
thejenntafur that's cos you're sane! i'll bet lots of folks will fist-bump 10x more now. :-D
ayse says
16 years ago
dcm i'll zap a note asap. i need more schooling in the ways of the coffeeeeee. yaay! (s_mmm)
mtony75 asks
16 years ago
everyone is really going crazy because he gave his wife dap?
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