Chunyan is
13 years ago
wrapping presents, grumbling to herself.
latest #207
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
peeks in her window. One of those presents better be for her. ;w;
Chunyan will
13 years ago
not say if one is! It's a secret!
Soo Yeon will
13 years ago
cry if one of them isn't for her! Time to climb into this window.
13 years ago
stares at her. Why is she like this?
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
| Because she's afraid Eonni will pretend not to be home if she knocks. "Eonni~~~ Hey! Can I help!"
13 years ago
isn't even at her own house! "No!! I can do this myself!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
pouts and crawls over to her to sit next to her. "Lemme help pleaaaaaase."
Chunyan thinks
13 years ago
that as long as she doesn't try to grope her..."Fine. Wrap this." She shoves a book on pandas at her.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and starts to wrap it. "Is this for Heung-lan???"
13 years ago
nods. "Of course..." She starts wrapping a tea set.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
beams. "Oh that's great. She'll love it." she keeps working, humming K-pop and trying not to stare at Chunyan.
13 years ago
can feel the stare, and she glances up at Soo Yeon. "...yes?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
blinks at her innocently and shrugs. "It's been a while since I've seen ya, is all."
13 years ago
frowns, not buying it at all. "I see..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at her happily. "Really! I've missed you." She suddenly pouts. "You missed Korea too right??"
13 years ago
nods, sighing and wrapping the tea set. "Yes, of couse."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
finally gets the book wrapped and sets it aside. "Oh! Here you go. I'm glad you missed me!" >w<
13 years ago
smiles, rolling her eyes as she puts the tea set away, scribbling off a few name tags and sticking them on the presents.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles and looks over the gifts. "Which one is for me??"
13 years ago
shrugs. "I'm not telling you." She reaches for a box of teas, beginning to wrap it.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
pouts. "Not even a hint...?"
13 years ago
nods. "You won't get any sort of hint."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
siiiighs. "Then no hints about your present!"
13 years ago
shrugs. "I don't mind that."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
pouts at this. "YOu don't even wonder what I got you?"
13 years ago
shakes her head. "I don't. I'll find out when I get it." She finishes wrapping the teas, sticking a name tag on it.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
laughs at this and shakes her head. "You're so.... old sometimes."
13 years ago
frowns at her. "I'm not old!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
laughs. "Well you act like it so much."
13 years ago
scowls. "I do not!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
nods and laughs. "But you do!"
13 years ago
crosses her arms, huffing.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and pats her shoulders. "I love you still Eonni."
13 years ago
blushes, flailing at her. "Don't say things like that!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
laughs at how she reacts and leans over to kiss her cheek. "But Eonni! It's true~!"
13 years ago
blushes, scowling. "N-no!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
laughs at this and smiiiiiles. "But Eonni... Family is supposed to love each other. YOu love me too right?"
13 years ago
huffs again. "I guess so."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
fakes a pout. "That should be a definitely~~:
13 years ago
rolls her eyes. "Fine, fine."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at her and claps. "Hurray~ Eonni loves Korea~"
13 years ago
snorts. "As a sister."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
"And I love Eonni... As a sister." She grins though, clearly not meaning it the same.
13 years ago
eyes her warily, frowning. "....Just a sister?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
blinks at her. "... As my sister! I love my sister a lot!" She's still grinning.
Chunyan is
13 years ago
going to keep frowning at her. "Just a sister?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
blinks at her and she pokes her sister's cheek. "... What are you implying?" she asks, expression as innocent as she can make it.
13 years ago
glances at her finger. "You're acting strange."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
laughs at this. "Strange how?" She scoots in close to her, eyes on her still and trying very hard to look innocent.
13 years ago
scoots back. "Just...strange."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
leans forward and kisses her cheek-- almost the edge of her lips truth be told but she'd say it was innocent if asked. "...I told you! I
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
missed you Eonni~'
13 years ago
blushes deeply. "I-I! That doesn't seem very familial!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
blinks at her and smiiiiles. "It was a good kiss Eonni~"
13 years ago
shakes her head. "It was not!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
pouts at her. "Okay, Okay! I'll try again!"
13 years ago
stares at her. "You don't need to!!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
pouts. "I'll do better!" This time she pecks the other Asian right on the mouth. After she does it though she falls over and giggles. "You
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
have soft lips~"
13 years ago
gapes at her, covering her mouth. "W-what?!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
keeps giggling happily. She stole a kiss, and she feels accomplished. "Eonni has soft lips~~" >w<
13 years ago
points at her, eyes wide. "Y-you!!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
giggled louder at the pointing and sits up again, kissing the tip of her finger. "No you!"
13 years ago
stares at her. "B-but!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
stares back at her. "But what?" she asks happily, moving in close to give her a hug. >w<
13 years ago
blinks at him. "Why...?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles back at her and cuddles against her."Why what?"
13 years ago
flounders a bit. "Why are you like this?
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
blinks at her and nuzzles her cheek. "I dunno. You raised me. You tell me." >w<
13 years ago
stares at her, leaning backwards. "Uh..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
pouts and pulls her in close again> "Eonni. Why don't you ever cuddle me like you used to."
13 years ago
huffs. "Because you're grown now."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
pouts and sneaks a hand into her shirt. "But I like cuddling with you~~"
13 years ago
pushes at her hand. "You like groping me!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
laughs at this and tries to push her hand higher anyways. "I like that too."
13 years ago
pushes again, scowling at her.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
siiiiighs. "Why can't I touch~~?"
13 years ago
shakes her head, pushing her hand away. "We're family!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
frowns at this. "Not really family like humans though. You're Chinese. I'm Korean... So it's still fine!"
13 years ago
stares at her. "...You just want me for my breasts!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
blinks at this and pouts. "That's not true Eonni. I don't love anyone more than I love you!"
13 years ago
frowns at her. "But...What about...?" She struggles to think of someone.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles happily and rubs her tummy. "Love you more than anyone else~"
13 years ago
tenses a bit. "B-but..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
pouts at her, "But what Eonni?"
13 years ago
chews her bottom lip, looking like a dear in head lights.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
can't help but kiss her again at the way she chews on her lip. "Eonni... you're so shy. It's cute."
13 years ago
gaps at her, eyes going even wider. "I...!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and nuzzles her cheek. "If you keep that up, I'mma pin you down and make out with you."
13 years ago
tenses, shaking her head. "No."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
laughs and kisses her jaw. "Then stop being cute~"
13 years ago
tries to relax. "I'm not being cute!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and sneaks her hand a lil higher. "I think are you~"
13 years ago
doesn't notice her hand, taking a deep breath. "No!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and keeps sneaking her hand slowly higher while leaving little distracting kisses on her sisters face. "You are."
13 years ago
takes a breath, trying to calm herself to prevent her from freaking out. "I am not!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
laughs and finally grabs her breast, getting a good feel. "yes~"
13 years ago
yelps, flailing and shoving at her. "Hey!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
laughs and falls back, releasing her. "As expected, your breasts are my favorite."
13 years ago
crosses her arms over her chest, stammering and blushing.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
laughs softly and pats her head. "You like the attention." >w<
13 years ago
looks properly horrified. "I do not!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
grins at this and nuzzles her cheek. "Awww come on. You love me."
13 years ago
flounders for the proper words. "We're sisters!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
just stares. As if that makes a difference. "And you're hot. So?"
13 years ago
splutters. She's never been called that before! "H-hot?!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles and nods, tapping her cheek. "Super hot in fact." >w>
13 years ago
looks at her warily.
13 years ago
"...But. Why?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
blinks at her. 'Why are you hot or why do I wanna make out with you?" OAO
13 years ago
stares at her. "Both?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
stares back. "You have a tight lil body, good skin and rockin hair. Which is part of the reason I wanna make out with you. But I've wanted
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
to touch you everywhere since puberty so...." =w=
13 years ago
gapes at her, too shocked to say anything.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
taps her lips. "Awww come on. It's not like I've tried to keep that from you, silly Eonni."
13 years ago
shakes her head. "I thought you were joking!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
arches a brow and puts a hand on her thigh. "Of course I wasn't joking silly~"
13 years ago
frowns at her hand. "But how do I know you're being serious now?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
arches a brow and grins. "I can prove it!"
13 years ago
doesn't want to know how, but she's very curious. "How?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles and leans closer, studying her face. "... Do I have permission?'
13 years ago
glances at her lips for a moment, then up to meet her eyes. "I...."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
grins. "That's a yes!" She surgers forward, slamming their lips together excitedly. >w<
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
13 years ago
starts a bit at the force, hands reaching out to grab the front of her shirt to keep herself from falling backwards.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
grins and plans to take full advantage of the other's surprise, pushing her tongue into the other's mouth.
13 years ago
squeaks, pushing at her chest in surprise.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
grins and gets a hand behind Chunyan's head, trying to coax her into kissing back.
Chunyan is
13 years ago
being stubborn, but she can feel her will power fading.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
slips a hand up the back of her shirt, rubbing calming circles on her back. She's being stubborn too.
13 years ago
sighs, finally relaxing a bit more. Her grip on Korea's shirt loosens a bit, but she doesn't kiss back.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
slides tongue along Chunyan's before finally pulling back, pouting just a bit that she couldn't get the other to kiss back. "Awwww."
13 years ago
blushes, she hasn't been kissed in...well, a long time! "What...?
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
pouts at her a little. "You didn't kiss me back~ That would've been such a nice Christmas present too."
13 years ago
stammers a bit. "I-I! It's been years...!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
pouts at her still, shaking her head sadly.
13 years ago
leans foreward, kissing her cheek softly. "There..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and blushes. "... That's acceptable!"
13 years ago
chews her bottom lip. "I'm glad..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and winks. "Acceptable... for now.~"
13 years ago
stares at her. "For now?!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
grins and shrugs."For now~"
13 years ago
pouts a bit. "What does that mean?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
grins. "That I'll want more later of course."
13 years ago
raises a brow. "Like what?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
shrugs and smiles. "LIke lots of things!"
13 years ago
frowns, wondering if she means sex.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at her as innocently as she knows how. *w*
Chunyan is
13 years ago
not fooled by that smile at all.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
just scoots close to her and smiles. >w>
13 years ago
eyes her nervously.
Soo Yeon is
13 years ago
happy now, taking her hand and just sitting there with her. =w=
13 years ago
looks at their hands, not sure what to do. "...are you hungry?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles and nods. "Yes! Food please!"
13 years ago
stands up, brushing off her pants. "What do you want...?"
Soo Yeon thinks
13 years ago
about this. "Hmmmm kimchi!"
13 years ago
shakes her head, not surprised in the slightest. "I'll see if I have any..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
beams. "Thanks! I love that stuff."
13 years ago
knows that. She rummages around the kitchen, finding some kimchi. She heads back towards her room, brandishing the jar.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
cheers happy and leans up, reaching for it. "Mine! Mine mine!"
13 years ago
laughs, shaking her head. "So childish~" she teases.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
pouts up at her. "Just give me the goods!"
13 years ago
hands her the bottle, going to organize the stack of presents.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
takes the jar and starts to eat the kimchi, humming delighted.
13 years ago
watches her, remembering how she was as a child with a fond smile.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
keeps eating, looking delighted. "D'ya got any tea??"
13 years ago
nods. "Of course I do! Come with me?" She motions to the door.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and stands, walking with her to the door. "okay!"
13 years ago
heads towards the kitchens, and she starts making the tea.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles and sits to watch her make tea >w<
13 years ago
lets the tea steep for a suitable amount of time, shifting nervously.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at how nervous she looks and keeps watching her.
13 years ago
only gets more nervous at that! She pours her some tea, putting it in front of her.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiiiiiiles up at her before taking her cup and sipping at it. "S'good." >w<
13 years ago
smiles back. "I'm glad..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
kisses her cheek and returns to her tea. >w<
13 years ago
blushes bright red, looking down at her feet.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
laughs delightedly and tugs her fingers. "DId you get the text I sent you?" *w*
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow, shaking her head. "No..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles. "I met the boy version of me!"
13 years ago
blinks. "Ah, you did? What's he like?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles and turns her phone around, showing her a picture. "That's him!"
13 years ago
leans forward to look at the picture. "He looks just like you!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this. "He acts a lot like me."
13 years ago
snorts. "I'd imagine he would..." She is suddenly afraid for her breasts.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles and puts her phone away. "He's a pretty nice guy." >w<
13 years ago
smiles. "I'm glad! I haven't met myself yet..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
blinks up at her. "I haven't either. I wonder if he's pretty..." *A*
13 years ago
rolls her eyes. "I wonder how similar we are..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
laughs softly. "I bet he's pretty."
13 years ago
huffs. "There's more to a person than their looks."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
laughs at this. "I know! But if he's you, I'll like 'im lots. Sides, I know you're the prettiest person out there."
13 years ago
blushes, putting a hand to her cheek. "I'm not sure that's true."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this. "You're gorgeous Eonni."
13 years ago
shakes her head. "I'm not."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and winks. "Oh but you are~~~"
13 years ago
places her hand on her hips. "No, I'm not."
Soo Yeon likes
13 years ago
that sassy look and props her hand on her chin. "You are though." Her eyes travel down her body intently.
13 years ago
stares at her, stepping back and covering herself. She doesn't like the look on her face much.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
grins at how she covers herself. "Awww don't go shy on me now. I liked that sexy pose."
13 years ago
flails. "That was not a sexy pose!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
laughs at her. "But it was. You had your hands on your hips and you were giving me that stern look. THat's hot."
13 years ago
gapes at her. "It's not!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
arches a brow and laughs again, standing up and mimicking her, hands on her hips. She can't quite make a stern face so she makes a naughty
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
one instead.
13 years ago
frowns, shaking her head. "I don't look like that!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at her and nods. "You're the cute shy version of course, but that's you."
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