what you're wondering what I bother with?
plurking, of course! Every time you come back you mark 'em all as read!
not marked them as read the last three times. So there.
Yes, really.
you don't really want a piece of me, do you?
hmmmmmm... that didn't come out right.
how we're going to cook him. Rotisserie anyone?
that sounds a little painful... and can think of better ways to be eaten.
we aren't going to eat you alive. We'll kill you in a humane way first.
doesn't actually want to eat you. I'd miss one of my buddies.
I'd be with you for a while. Then it would pass.
a feeling that you'd get back by giving us a wicked case of the runs!
I'd plurk your ass from my rotisseried grave!
what part of my ass you'd be plurking.
asses come in parts? *off to do some research*
left ass cheek and right ass cheek are somewhat separate.
what that crack was good for...
butts would look really weird without a crack.
hahaha. You'd only need one hand to hold one.
that you have a great point.
and that would leave the other hand free...
it'd be nice to use the other hand.
I'm a regular James Taylor.
that wasnt' too obvious. I don't even really care for James Taylor.
Tim Taylor better.
hahaha. Another handy man! Very funny.
a funny person sometimes.
I thought that I'd make sure. Not that I needed to or anything.
never hurts to know where you stand!
unless you're barefoot and in broken glass.
that. Or stepping on a tack or needle.
that sucks, too. It's amazing how far into your foot something can go, though!
it is rather fascinating, but only whenit happens to someone else.
it never happens to Casey again.
grateful for your wel-wishes!
lots of well-wishes (and little else) to give!
so too. That's why I dole them out like red noses at a clown convention
That is the most awesome analogy yet!
that definitely fits you perfectly!
it fits him like OJ's glove... No, that's not it...
that that anology bombed.
the Analogizer can drop a bomb when necessary! w00t!
it has to happen sometime!
the power can be used for good and evil...
everything has an opposite.
true power comes from learning to harness both! You know, like a big ol' harnessing thing!
a team of oxen in a yoke? :left:
a little about Casey's childhood.
I worked a guest ranch in the middle of nowhee. We had to go about 13 miles by horse-drawn wagon.
to school? And you had to walk uphill both ways? barefoot?
No, this was just where I worked in the summer.
so no snow, either? This story is lame!
there was snow in May, part of June, and part of September. Does that help any?
a tale of hardship and woe! Now it is gettign good!
it has a sad ending when the boss calls most of the cabin help "lazy cocksuckers" though.
you don't seem lazy to me.
didn't think she was while working 14-16 hour days with a short break in the middle, but apparently we were. *shrugs*
it wouldn't have been as hard on me, except, he lied about saying it and they were good friends of the family.
that's pretty shitty. How long before he went out of business?
he's the manager of the place and has been for almost 20 years. I doubt they'd fire him.
did he at least get bumped out of the family friend rotation?
that he did. His wife pretty much got bumped out too. I understand standing up for him, but trying to blame it on the other help is wrong.
well, I hope they're happy. That's a shitty thing to do.
so too. They didn't have a very good year last year. They were having a hard time finding help, but it's harder now that he did that.
it should be harder. You can't treat people like they are less than human, and expect to have them come back for more. Stupid.
he's lived in the area where he's trying to get his workers all his life and no one can stand him. Also, not a smart move.
even dogs know better than to shit where they sleep.
the salary of $1500 a month working appx 14 hours a day, 6 days a week for almost 6 months in the middle of nowhere also makes it hard.
on the plus side, you save the whole wad, since you have to harness the oxen to get into town
that that was one of the main good things about it. We used horses and mules though. No oxen.
once again, agreement pwns!
we are the pwner of pwners!
you should come to comred1's blog. He thinks we are the PWN!
I should go look at his blog then.
there are only about four posts, and only one or two of those is worth reading. It's all about his love for Karen. And me. Very weird.
and in mostly broken English. Plus, he has glasses that make him look like he belongs on CHiPS. AND (as if that wasn't enough)...
he's Bangladeshi (I think)
went and looked. I saw the post that was mostly about his love for you two.
a complete waste of 20 minutes, I am sure.
and it's been going on for months! It's non-stop!
that's the worrisome part. That's a lot of lovin'!
I get blow-back. He's a Karen stalker.
definitely noticed that. Thankfully, I don't get many stalkers on there.
if your name was Bob or Mike, you'd get no stalkers at all. Maybe a gay male from time to time...
just gratefull that I only get what few I have. I could have way more!
it's easy - just talk about your bewbs a lot!
that would draw them in.
I've seen it in action.
as have I.
I'm much happier creep-free though.
creeps are way overrated.
where perverted crosses the line to creepy?
no idea.
he stays on the perverted side.
the perverted side. It keeps life interesting.
if only it had more variety! Then it would be twice as spicey
Spicy mustard or Tabasco sauce would help. Just add to whatever perverted things you're doing and BAM! spiciness.
yow! I love hot sauce, but I do try to keep it in my mouth!
and other incidental contact, of course. Fire on day two!
the burning ring of fire!
a reminder of good food and indescretion.
in full agreement. Bad food is icky!
of course there is. As if we're surprised!
surprised when we disagree, but not too surprised.
peanut butter was a surprise. I thoguht everyone loved peanut butter!
weird about that one. I'm not sure why I have such a vendetta against the stuff.
- especially since it's so delicious!
hahaha. I'm still not holding it against you.
that you aren't that against me.
it would be terrifically difficult to be against you.
so. I'd hate to be easy to be against.
it would be a cold day in Hell.
cold days, but not cold days in Hell.
I bet it sleets there.
that it'd have to.
n't the least bit fond of sleet. It should either rain or snow, not both!
could not possibly agree more. It should be winter, or not winter. It should never be both winter and something else.
that sleet is a pain no matter how you look at it.
for every form of wweather, there's a Polar Bear Club equivalent
the sleet club needs to be smacked upside the head then.
it should be enough that they get stinging sleet all over the most sensitive bits. No sense, no feeling.
you have a valid point. Maybe they lose feeling in some of the exposed parts. :eyes:
perish the thought! Those are the parts where feeling is the most ... well, i'd hate to lose it!
the same way. Apparently they don't.
some people find a thin line between pleasure and pain - and it's a lot closer to pain than the line I have between the two
that's about the same for me. Tattoos and piercings I can somewhat understand, since there's something to show for it. Freezing? Nuh-uh.
Yeah. Tina is tattooed. I got one, pretty much to stop her from asking me to get one - Vashti's footprint form her birth certificate
that's neat.
I'm one of the least tatooed and pierced in my family. It's probably a good thing.
it's one of those things, I think. You get them or you don't. Some people get addicted
that's definitely how it goes.
glad one was enough for me. Goodness knows, with my personality, it could have been different.
that with my pain tolerence, I could have gotten more. I'm just happy with one tatoo right now though.
didn't really feel his, either.
it's weird feeling how the tatoo gun reverberated my spine when he went across it though.
you've got a lower back piece?
acutally an upper back piece. It goes right down the middle of my back.
that's pretty big for a "I don't really care about tattoos" kind of tattoo.
about 5.5 inchs. I figured that if I'm going to get one, it's going to be a nice one.
oh, that's not huge. I was picturing full sized angel wings or something.
not that big. It's only about 3 inches wide and then it runs down the spine.
nice. That's a good size, I think. Murals are overkill.
so too. I don't care for the sleeves too much either.
seen some beauties, but wouldn't want one, and doesn't think they are cool, regardless of the quality of the artwork.
it makes it difficult to find a good job with a lot of tatoos and piercings.
spiderwebs tattooed on your face are probably pretty limiting.
oh noes!! i know the feeling.
I don't think Karen is coming back to Plurk. She feels as though she's not paying enough attention to Twitter. :rollseyes:
awwwww. Twitter is simple to multitask with. Plurk is more important.
agrees - and I saw a few guilty plurks from her this morning.