yi jing asks
13 years ago
i-phone 5 is coming out next year?really bo wor? :-o
latest #16
Hozact says
13 years ago
ah boh... iPad 2 pun nak keluar
yi jing says
13 years ago
wow wow wow. :-o ;-) (woot)
Hozact says
13 years ago
haha... you rich then buy lur
Hozact says
13 years ago
yi jing says
13 years ago
jae,i thought you want buy me this as my birthday present next year.
Hozact says
13 years ago
LOL... mai siao... I'm not rich and I buy from U.S., conclusion iPhone at there are cheap =)
yi jing says
13 years ago
yeah,you want buy me one from US.HUURAY,thanks first ya. :-P
AndyLawWeiHan says
13 years ago
i think so
Hozact says
13 years ago
LOL... tak beli untuk kau, only reserve one of each person... that's only for me =D
yi jing says
13 years ago
andy,you're interested also?
yi jing says
13 years ago
jae,you hurt me.chew~go away!
Hozact says
13 years ago
LOL... who hurt you leh? my classmate reserve for me only... how can buy two and I'm not working now =="
yi jing says
13 years ago
:'-( :'-( :'-(
Hozact says
13 years ago
onesilent: Ish... In college, I even have wifi phone you know... how poor was I ='|
yi jing says
13 years ago
don't know.
Hozact says
13 years ago
onesilent: now you know...
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