ayse thinks
16 years ago
she's not ADD enough for all this.
latest #11
lizard.beer is
16 years ago
sure that ADD is a big help around here.
16 years ago
hopes to be able to see that link one day
ayse says
16 years ago
it's giving me a headache, dotlizard, but i'm trying! lordy. (s_sick)
16 years ago
ayse says
16 years ago
{{{{{{{{{ kaia }}}}}}}}
16 years ago
oh my word. i tried giving the timeline a spin to test TheJenn TaFur's observation and got so dizzy! plus it doesn't seem to have changed?
mtony75 says
16 years ago
don't worry. The first seizure from the dancing smileys will correct your brain to adjust ;-)
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