We celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve. We eat our giant feast then and we open our gifts together at midnight
and we party and drink and the like before and after we clear out the wrapping paper debris.
Christmas Day is for pajamas and leftovers and movies in the living room.
Also naps from all that food.
the ridiculous bit is that my mom insists that Santa comes through the chimney (we don't have one; the furnace is in the basement)
and she REFUSES to let us open them even a minute before midnight
and then it's like YAY SANTA'S HERE!!!!
This is why I have never believed in Santa Claus, the end. Also because my family tends to wrap presents the day of.
we don't really have a tradition besides going to mass
we open the presents Christmas morning - never did any of that opening on Christmas Eve stuff
but yes uh, typically go to mass Christmas Eve, have a big dinner, open presents in the morning, have another fair sized dinner on Christmas
sometimes we flip which day we have the bigger dinner :'D
my mum always sets out the Advent wreath, but uhhhhh that's like...... pre.... Christmas day....
hahaha my whole family's pretty Catholic, so it's kind of hard to escape the religious aspect of it for me
Well the Christmas Eve thing is because I'm Dominican and no one celebrates it Christmas Day
over there they open their ACTUAL presents on Three Kings' Day considering that's when they arrived with the gold, etc.
but we're too damn lazy and it's not a holiday here so it's not fun.
luckily we're fake Catholics and don't bother going to mass.
hahaha yeah that Three Kings' Day thing isn't big here that's for sure
stupid amurrica
My mum was like THAT'S ONLY IN ENGLAND and I was like uhhhh nooooo
actually I don't care because we never celebrated it
Boxing Day is only England and Canada (maybe Australia) if that's what she meant
yup, she thinks the Three Kings' Day is the same thing
does your mom realize that being catholic and not recognizing three kings day is kind of...silly
my mum's kinda special........
celebrating it is whatever, but recognizing it
she was just like THAT'S THE EPIPHANY
I basically celebrate it like you do. *_*
We don't open our presents until MIDNIGHT, AND NOT A MINUTE BEFORE.
I never understood the whole "Yule Log" thing, because it's from 6am or whatever, to God-knows-when, and I'm like, "Uh..."
Because, well, like I said before. We open our gifts at midnight, not some ungodly hour in the morning.
Also: I know about Dia de los reyes on 6th of Jan. XD It's funny that it's also my step-grandmother's birthday as well!
Since I was a kid, I could open one present on Christmas Eve... then we just open gifts whenever everyone's up and then have dinner -
- at my grandparents. That's about it. XD
It used to involve more family but now since most everyone is........dead it's a pretty quiet day lmao
ugh opening presents the day of always sounded miserable to me
because as I sleep the latest in the family they would have to wake me up and I get PISSED OFF the way people in this family wake me up
so I'd be like

which is why I'm totally okay with staying up until midnight, especially since we're usually partying and drunk at that point anyway.
and then it's like FUCK YEAH ANOTHER BATHROBE WOOOO (socks are always appreciated, I fucking love socks)
we open one present from under the tree on Christmas Eve, and then we open the rest on Christmas morning.
because obviously my sister and I were the first ones up, we were allowed to open our stockings without waking our parents up, but for the
tree gifts, we had to wait until at least 8AM to wake Mom and Dad.
we open presents one at a time, going in a circle, and then ROLL AROUND IN THE WRAPPING PAPER!!!!
then we have breakfast, then people visit, then we have a big Christmas dinner. (note: not this year.)
tl;dr stereotypical whitebread American Christmas I guess huh
so whitebread your last name should be Wonder