s_dackman is
15 years ago
saying hello to the Plurk world! :-D
latest #43
15 years ago
Welcome s_dackman
s_dackman says
15 years ago
Thanks kevinh!
sharon_elin says
15 years ago
So this is how you keep tabs on kevinh, eh? Tee hee! Welcome to Plurk! (LOL)
GingerLewman says
15 years ago
Hey guy! Great to see you here too! Some serious PD going on in this place! (and clever name, btw)
librarygal says
15 years ago
thanks for letting Kevin come to"far"Eastern Kansas and present at an in-service at Prairie View. He did a great job!That's why i'm at Plurk
dislp38 says
15 years ago
JeffYoung says
15 years ago
Greetings, Mike! (bye)
charliemahoney says
15 years ago
Heya... Welcome to Plurkville! www.websleuths.com/forum...
Scottley says
15 years ago
Welcome to Plurkville!
scarter says
15 years ago
Finally, Welcome aboard Mike!!!
s_dackman says
15 years ago
Hi everyone.. preparing to present with Kevinh in Phoenix, AZ! (LOL)
JenPugs says
15 years ago
Welcome to Plurk! This is an awesome place!
astro9046 says
15 years ago
How are you Mike, thanks for the support at the conference :-D
Jaxblk says
15 years ago
Welcome - hope you have fun and also find it useful
DennisA says
15 years ago
welcome to plurk! Good to see you.
librarygal says
15 years ago
hope your presentation went well
clong says
15 years ago
"howdy" from Southeast Texas!! :-D
figura artista says
15 years ago
candyteddy says
15 years ago
JeffYoung says
15 years ago
dmcordell says
15 years ago
Welcome from snowy upstate New York!
mmcbeth says
15 years ago
hey from Topeka
figura artista says
15 years ago
Hello, Mike!
astro9046 says
15 years ago
Hello Dackman
15 years ago
Hi. and welcome.
15 years ago
(bye)hello there s_dackman
n2teaching says
15 years ago
15 years ago
Hello Mike, feel free to talk to me anytime about kevinh, I know him well :-)
TheDudeDean says
15 years ago
LBinVA says
15 years ago
welcome,Mike! (dance)
15 years ago
Hello & welcome!
GFK says
15 years ago
hey stranger! Welcome aboard :-D
Monoxette13 says
15 years ago
Tmbgfrog says
15 years ago
Hi and have lots of fun. (bye)
trixbear8 says
15 years ago
15 years ago
welcome to plurk!
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