Miera Sh. has
14 years ago
got her own The Gardens Club Premier Card. Yes now free access to lounge and 10% for movies, karaoke and shopping <3 (dance)
latest #10
muhammadsyamim says
14 years ago
kad funfair ea??
muhammadsyamim says
14 years ago
(dance) haha
Miera Sh. says
14 years ago
haha ada ke ? kalau ada nak gak boleh naik ali baba free hari hari HAHA
14 years ago
yayy shuttle belanjaaa yayyy
14 years ago
how and where did you get this card? haha
Miera Sh. says
14 years ago
jefwayne: just spend 1000 at the gardens a day then apply la the card jef ;-)
Miera Sh. says
14 years ago
yonnaroxx: belanja -.-' ouhhh cuti tkde duit :-P
14 years ago
ISH i nearly spent 1k that day!!!
Miera Sh. says
14 years ago
ey sayang. if you add up something to 1000 you can redeem. next time go with family, gather all resits and sng skit nak apply :-P
14 years ago
yeah hahaha
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