sarah 사라 wants
13 years ago
to play BINGO again. (not the real one though)
latest #7
Sarah May says
13 years ago
and charades! pinoy henyo! grinch and victim! hep hep hooray! (dance)
sarah 사라 says
13 years ago
13 years ago
bingo, charades, pinoy henyo, taboo & hep hep hooray.. like! :-)) as for grinch and victim, i'm not sure if i know this game (unsure)
sarah 사라 says
13 years ago
it's super fun!!!!!!
13 years ago
what kind of game is it anyway? hehe :-))
sarah 사라 says
13 years ago
when we meet i'll explain it to you! hehe, its kinda hard to explain it here. :-)
13 years ago
hahaha, ok! :-D
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