that sounds like an afternoon of fun!
It was!
she could hang out with you and talk to you while you cook and whatnot...even help a little here and there. I love my BFF.
can think of nothing more appealing than wives sharing the love!
that was a typical statement.
pretty typical.
where her biscuits and gravy are?!
in my tummy - and they were yummy!
you had biscuits and gravy and didn't share? Shame!
I shared, but 'all showed up too late!
I missed it.
That's alright because I made my own for dinner tonight.
that it's funny you sadid "Good on ya." One of my friends in MT used to say that sometimes.
it's an Aussie thing, I believe. I picked it up from a couple of Aussies, anyway.
that'd explain that one then. His aunt is from Austrailia.
happy that that was solved.
another conundrum put to rest!
answers are almost as good as questions!
whoops! That was supposed to be "likes that."
questions lead us to where we end up.
noticed that trend. It keeps things interesting.
exactly. And interesting is way better than boring.
most definitely. Boring is well...boring.
and not terribly exciting.
it'd be without adventure too.
would rather have some spice in her life.
that's definitely the way to go.
for extra spice, go greaseless and water soluble.
vaseline is out then.
vaseline is another petrochemical derivative. On the plus side, if you put a glob on, it is usually still there an hour later.
hahaha. When i was a kid, my mom would slap it on my frostbite, and that would be that.
since you still have all your parts attached, it must have helped.
mostly my cheeks and nose. I liked being out in the cold.
that too. I hate the song though.
terribly grateful. I'm a Scrooge when it comes to Christmas songs.
I am too usually, but i have a ginourmous collection of rock and alt x-mas tunage that I might break out this year.
that is easier to handle than some of the Christmas music.
I haven't even looked this year to see if there's anything new out there for me to nab onto. I love free music!
check out They have a 25 days of christmas sale that has a free song every day.
w00t! I wonder how many of them I already have?
Last year, I dumped a couple hundred holiday songs on the file server at work, and my coworkers partied all month
it doesn't hurt to look anyway.
I'm on it tonight. Maybe there will be a gem amongst the dreck.
the "Elf's Lament" from Barenaked Ladies was worth it, but I like the band, so that explains it.
"I Want an Alien for Christmas" by Fountains of Wayne is a favorite of mine.
she needs to listen to that. Was that one of the ones on Amazon?
no clue. I'll send it to you, if I can't find it for you.
looked and it wasn't one of the free ones on there. I'm sure it'd be on amazon somewhere though. I'll check it out.
the song. The video is hacked together by someone else:
sweet! I just found the song on amazon too!
that song quite a bit.
that would sure make Christmas special!
that it most certainly would!
One of my favorite Christmas songs:
the song is the Watresses, but the video is not.
I like something a little more mellow than Metallica every once in awhile.
never managed to enjoy metallica.
their album with the San Francisco Symphony. :yes: Apocalyptica is good too.
listened to a lot of harsh music - hard, fast and hard and fast, but never could manage to get into Metallica.
it's probably because all the kip kids were into them.
look for kids doing kip thrusts, and you'll know immediately.
You transposed your "h" for a "k" then?
yep. Typo.
figured as much, but wanted to give you a hard time about it anyway.
knew he could count on you!
if she's also virtuous too.
one who exhibits virtue is virtuous.
I qualify then.
you're on top
I'm top notch!
touch that line with a 10" pole!
mama didn't raise no dummies!
she still is! She figured out how to put up with dad for all these years!
they are perfect for each other. He blathers like a champ, she ignores like a pro!
happy that they have a system. w00t!
my father doesn't know there's a system. He thinks all the survival techniques are his alone.
it might be best to let him think that too!
it works quite well.
I should write a book. Their conversations are classic.
would find it quite interesting.
maybe it's amusing only because i know and love them both.
the really lucky thing is that they still love each other.
that's always good. It's not fun when they don't love each other.
it would be just plain silly to remain married if you don't love the other person - especilly if the kids were gone.
it is. It never turns out well.
misery is its own reward.
misery also likes company too.
if that's why people do it?
a double blind survey is in order.
I have a boss that we can use for one of the surveyors.
braille porn for blind boss!
That's great!
hmmmmm... fetish guess: blindfolds?
not for me. For him maybe.
he gets a half point.
which "he" you're referring to.
he shoots, he scores! "He" meant "me" in the first context.
no, "he" was "him" in the second context.
wondering if you have slpit-personalities.
two heads are better than one!
I never thought of it that way before!
of little else. That's how I got this prime real estate in the gutter.
you savage!
I've been called worse.
hop on top, and call me Conan!
oh Conan! (I rather like Cohen the barbarianfrom Terry Pratchett's Disc world series)
never heard of Cohen the Barbarian, but the very idea of a Jewish "super" man is cracking me up.
thank you. I think I should like to wear a loincloth. It's a happy medium between exhibitionism and decorum.
I've priced 'em. Neat, but not cheap. Maybe I'll make one...
does admit that they're on the spendy side. If it wasn't for the fact that I'm dangerous with a sewing machine, I'd try to make one.
No home ec in home school
Luckily, i somehow managed an "A" in home ec!
my mom tried to teach me to sew. It didn't work out too well. :left:
I can't do anything facny, but I'm not too bad at it.
I can mend some small stuff and sew buttons, but that's about it.
that's the important stuff!
happy that she know that much.
you should get some of Billy Mays' Mighty Mendit!
no clue, but heard that it stands up to gale force winds.
that would even stop poles from spliting the tent!
if that's a good thing. Sometimes, the pole is more important than the tent.
way more attached to the pole than the tent.
not everyone is interested in camping. If you think you get funny looks...
I can only imagine.
I can't help it if I have a good imagination.
does too. Carry on with your imagination!
you should tell all.
you might be frightened by what I have going on in my mond.
that if there's no electric shock and no blood, then i probably won't be too shocked.
shocked and frightened are a tad bit different.
meant frightened (didn't mean to use "shock" and "shocked" in the same sentence).
wondering about that.
It worked out in the end.