digimom needs
16 years ago
4th or 5th grade classes to join in a spreadsheet share to track weather: temperature, humidity, etc. Anyone interested?
latest #10
vanhookc says
16 years ago
Would high schoolers interest you? If so, I will talk to some teachers. Are you using Google Docs?
macmom says
16 years ago
I'll ask my 4th and 5th grades, who should they contact? Do you have any more project details?
digimom says
16 years ago
we're just in the "hey let's do this!" phase but want to get started soon. I think hs would be fine, too.
digimom says
16 years ago
just looking for other classes to enter data.
Teryl says
16 years ago
sure! Let me know what u need!
macmom says
16 years ago
digimom I have a 5th grade class starting weather after the holidays that wants to participate. We are in FL
digimom says
16 years ago
macmom: can you give me an address to email you?
digimom says
16 years ago
I started a Google doc to collect info. Please respond with email address to share to if anyone is still interested!
macmom says
16 years ago
my 5th grade teacher interested is [email protected]...
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