"I need to be asked before giving any footage to the actors" is not compatible with "could you deal with the actor's request for footage"
latest #12
when you give instructions to do something, that is more than giving permission it is, oh, what's the word
Telling someone what to do!
You can't bitch about people doing what you TELL THEM TO DO when they DO IT
that would be psychotic, no?
or as you might spell it, sycotic
that the environment in the office today is quite, how do you say, serene. Pastoral. Bucolic.
The storm breaks, dawn appears, and the creatures of the x resume their normal lives. Where x = forest, desert, meadow... Thanks, Disney!
always been intrigued by the pinup centauresses, by the way. Not in a PRURIENT way, mind you. But, you know.
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