jacks wonders
15 years ago
why yoville is full of people looking for online porn
latest #40
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
I have only found like two or three scary people...
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
but then again... I usually get my coins, change my house and leave.
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
I not much into socializing on YoVIlle. (LOL)
jacks says
15 years ago
yeah its weird
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
Oh yeah, and I usually chose a sever in the middle or end... usually YoVille is basically empty.
jacks says
15 years ago
i see
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
I just went to where you were... what a mess of people.
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
I couldn't even find you.
jacks says
15 years ago
yeah it is horrible
jacks says
15 years ago
where are you
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
I am changing servers...
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
Toooooo crazy.
jacks says
15 years ago
what server you going to i will to
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
you wanna see my totally awesome house?
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
Go to the bottom where the two little people are... 2nd botton from the left.
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
import facebook friends...
jacks says
15 years ago
yes i do
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
then once you have done that... you can click on it and it will show that I am online.
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
Click on the little green arrow and it will bring you to where I am.
jacks says
15 years ago
where is import facebook friends lol
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
did you find the little button with the two people?
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
On the very bottom, there should be a blue button that says "Import Facebook friends"
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
(the button is to the right of the water balloon)
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
Wait.... are you *in* YoVille?
jacks says
15 years ago
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
okay. Did you find the little button?
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
I see your are online now! :-D
jacks says
15 years ago
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
sorry. I gotta got for awhile... the twins woke up and aren't feeling well.
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
Talk to you later.
jacks says
15 years ago
jacks says
15 years ago
have fun with them
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
Okay, I am back for a short second.
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
See.... I told you YoVille was lame. Ha ha! But it is kinda fun to decorate!
jacks says
15 years ago
yeah it seems like it
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
But.... now I do have another crew member! I only need three more people then I will be a plant manager!
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
So you helped me out!
Lady-Queen-Kam says
15 years ago
Man, plurk got super quiet.
jacks says
15 years ago
woo hoo ilove to help andyeah it did
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