Miera Sh. hates
14 years ago
to link every followers but have to. I need to find other possible way to thanked them.
latest #6
14 years ago
tak yah la thank2 nih. xD
Miera Sh. says
14 years ago
hahaha kan ? just let them be. kalau thnks pn dorng unfollow gak, hahaha xD
14 years ago
coz some followers are really assholes. i usually follow back. once i follow them, they unfollow me wtf
14 years ago
oh really? ade ke yg nak unfollow. hahaha rajin gila la nk unfollow balik. cannot go betul -.-'
Miera Sh. says
14 years ago
jefwayne: i know rightt. same goes to me. they even ask me to promote and compliment the blog. then i realized they unfollow me. gila -.-
Miera Sh. says
14 years ago
yonnaroxx: ada je yon. kdg2 tk leh kawal. tk kesha kalau unfollow sbb tk suka blog ke apa ke kn. ni yg suruh follow. da follow dia unfollow
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