Chase says
13 years ago
I gave SL a try again last night. And I was bored to death. Boo!
latest #10
Lanna says
13 years ago
oh fine! (nottalking)
13 years ago
(and I hope you know I'm joking )
Chase says
13 years ago
not with you. It was good to talk. The rest of the time, I meant. :-P
Lacie says
13 years ago
the pearls are few and far between methinks
13 years ago
pouts....the other day when you were on I was too distracted. I am sorry. I promise to entertain you when you come back. <3
Sean says
13 years ago
awww, I wasn't on to say hi :-(
Chase says
13 years ago
aww, it's not you guys. I was just lamenting my time online. Actually it reminded me of my first days. I sent a message to someone special
Chase says
13 years ago
about it, too. That felt sort of good and bad.
13 years ago
13 years ago
come ice skating in thistle, Chase!
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