Seychelles has
13 years ago
found herself outside Monaco's house again, staring up at it nervously. She wanted to talk to her, but she was nervous to see her. _
latest #66
13 years ago
She wondered why she was acting like this.
Cerise is
13 years ago
still shaken from her earlier encounter and is trying to hold her teacup steady. >~<
13 years ago
enters the yard, moving over to peek in the window without being seen.
13 years ago
sits in a chair next to her cat, chewing on her lip >~<
Seychelles wonders
13 years ago
why she looks so nervous
13 years ago
finally does smile when her cat climbs into her lap. She was worried that someone was casing her house to rob it.
Seychelles is
13 years ago
staring in rather intensely, clearly worrying. But at this point, she probably had a stare as intense as Sweden's.
13 years ago
starts to fidget and look around. She felt like she was being watched.... >///<
13 years ago
continues to stare in, making up strange scenarios in her mind. Was she being harassed? Did someone say something rude to her!? She'd hit_
13 years ago
them when she found out!
13 years ago
blinks around and starts to fidget again. She gets up to draw the blinds. >//~//<
Seychelles is
13 years ago
still there, forgetting that she was in plain sight now.
13 years ago
blinks but smiles when she finally sees Seychelles. She pushes the window up. "Come in Victoria dear. Don't just stand at the window."
13 years ago
falls back, clearly having been startled out of her thoughts. O-Oh! Oh god. She had been spotted! S-She must l-look like such a creeper!
13 years ago
smiles and doesn't find it creepy. "Sorry if I didn't hear the door dearie." She leans down to kiss her cheek.
Seychelles is
13 years ago
so nervous again. "E-Erm, i-i-it's fine." She was quite cold now that she realized.
13 years ago
blinks and catches her fingers, frowning. "Oh heavens, you're frigid. Come inside dearie."
13 years ago
wanted to run again, but allows herself to be tugged in.
Cerise is
13 years ago
terribly fretful and helps her into the window, forces her over to a chair and pushing her down.She kneels at her feet and rubs her hands. "
13 years ago
"Dearie, you're frozen." ><;;
Seychelles is
13 years ago
just going along with it, still quite obviously nervous. She was acting strange. "N-Not used to this kind of cold."
13 years ago
blinks at her as she raises the other girls fingers close to her mouth to warm her hands with her breath. "You look out of sorts. What's the
13 years ago
matter??" She bites her lip, fretting worse now.
13 years ago
shakes her head, pulling her hands back. "N-Nothing!
13 years ago
blinks and looks even more worried. "You look shaken..." She stands to fetch a blanket, coming back and putting it about her. "You don't
13 years ago
h-have to divulge anything you don't wish to, dearie..." she murmurs gently. "J-just get warmed up."
13 years ago
snuggles into the blanket, still unsure of why she was acting like this. "I...just wanted to see you." She finally admitted, the first _
13 years ago
honest words tonight
13 years ago
smiles gently and leans to kiss her cheeks. "I'm quite glad you came dearie. I need to subject you to my measuring tape." She's blushing now
13 years ago
at the words and hovering around her. "I-If that's quite alright.
13 years ago
looks a bit confused. "Measuring tape? What for?"
13 years ago
blushes and looks at her fingers. "I want to make you a sundress for Christmas..." She fidgets alittle.
13 years ago
|It takes a moment for it to register in her mind before she perks up at the prospect of a dress for a gift. "I had no idea you sewed."
13 years ago
worries her bottom lip. "Well admittedly I'm not the highest caliber of seamstress but I'm quite handy with a needle if need be..." >///>
13 years ago
seems really happy though, "B-By all means, please."
13 years ago
smiles gently at this. "I-I mean if you wouldn't mind..."
13 years ago
shakes her head! "I would love it...Mersi!"
13 years ago
smiles and nods. "Get warm first, dearie." She sits down and watches her quietly.
13 years ago
snuggles back into the blanket, nodding enthusiastically to that. Yes, getting warm would be a good idea.
13 years ago
smiles at this and moves to pour her a cup of tea. "Why were you standing out there dearie?"
13 years ago
tenses! Gah! This again! "I told you, I came to see you..."
13 years ago
blinks and smiles. "Oh right. That's really sweet still," he murmurs, blushing.
13 years ago
fidgets a bit, still wondering why she was acting so weird around her. "S-Sorry that it was unannounced."
13 years ago
shakes her head and takes her hand. "Don't worry dearie. I like having you around."
Seychelles feels
13 years ago
so special. "M-Mersi. I like being with you."
13 years ago
smiles at this and pats her hand. "Are you warmed up dearie?"
13 years ago
nods, enjoying the pat. "Much more now."
13 years ago
smiles at this and helps her up. "Then let me take your measurements dear."
Seychelles is
13 years ago
a little red, but nods. "Okay..."
13 years ago
smiles at this and leads her to the middle of the room and gets her tape measure.
13 years ago
follows along, hoping to at least be in a warm room.
13 years ago
smiles and lightly kisses her cheek before bustling around her, wrapping the tape measure about her and marking them down.
13 years ago
just stands there a bit rigidly, quite embarrassed.
13 years ago
laughs and kisses her cheek. "I'm not going to do anything inappropriate."
13 years ago
nods. "I-I know..."
13 years ago
smiles and starts to measure her chest.
Seychelles is
13 years ago
trying her hardest not to fidget, O-Ohhhh! So embarrassing!
13 years ago
smiles gently at her and kisses her cheek. She moves to measure her waist and hips.
Seychelles has
13 years ago
to hum to herself to distract herself.
13 years ago
laughs at this and asks her what she's humming. >w<
13 years ago
flushes a little. "Nothing in particular..."
13 years ago
smiles at this and hurries to finish since Seychelles seems so... embarrassed and flustered.
13 years ago
didn't know why she was so embarrassed.
Cerise thinks
13 years ago
it's cute!
13 years ago
i-is glad she thinks so then.
13 years ago
smiles and pulls away when she's finished, rather red herself and smiling.
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