Seychelles is
13 years ago
searching for Monaco, a bit nervously.
latest #18
Cerise is
13 years ago
sitting with her kitty. >w<
13 years ago
watches her for a minute before ducking down behind a bush, heart pounding. She couldn't do it.
13 years ago
jumps when she hears the leaves rustle and bites her lip. "W-who's there...?" she calls out fretfully.
13 years ago
panics, trying to crawl away into the neighbors yard. Unfortunately for her, there happened to be guard dogs. "Eyaahh!"
13 years ago
hustles her cat inside when the dogs start barking and she comes over to see who it is, peering nervously into the bushes. "I-I may not look
13 years ago
a fright with my s-stature but rest assured I-I can defend m-myself."
Seychelles is
13 years ago
fighting through the dog's licking, diving into the dog house to hide. A-Ahhhh! She shouldn't have come! She wasn't prepared!
13 years ago
pats the dogs head and leans down to peer curiously at the person huddled in the dog house. "... W-what a-are you doing in there?"
13 years ago
wraps her scarf around her head, bright red.
13 years ago
"N-nothing." She says, trying to deepen her voice
13 years ago
blushes lightly and bites her lip. "I-It's no good t-to be curled up i-in there like that." She's peering close to see who's face it is.
Seychelles is
13 years ago
looking down, desperately trying to hide. "I am fine! just playing with these dogs!"
13 years ago
blinks and tilts her head, leaning forward and offering her hand. "Come out of there. I'm not quite certain the owner would like finding a
13 years ago
stranger in her dog house."
Seychelles is
13 years ago
about to overheat! Instead of taking the hand, she pushes passed her and runs as fast as possible to get away. >A<; This had been a bad idea
13 years ago
falls backwards onto her backside, blinking in surprise. "Oof! H-How r-rude." >~<
13 years ago
doesn't stop until she was far enough away, pulling her scarf down. M-Maybe another day....yes...
13 years ago
blinks and pulls herself up. She brushes herself off and blinks down the sidewalk. "H-How odd..." >~<
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