Yes. Yes, you can. They'll be back next year.
I did manage to skip a Christmas party last night. That's good.
Yeah - but can you tell your kids that you told the holidays that?
Baby steps.

And remember to breathe.
um, I think they'd know why, seeing as they're the main drivers behind my misery at the moment.
Well then maybe you can or at least go easier. I'm taking a head in the sand approach this year.
I think I'm going to take the 'run away and join a circus' approach
my family agreed to cancel presents last year. it's the best decision we ever made.
...of course we are all adults. it'll have to change when (if?) kids appear on the scene.
circus ftw!
would also like to cancel the holidays
I can just see you working a trapeze in a spangly costume
OhKate, I will join you in the circus! You can shoot me out of a cannon!
go ahead and cancel it. if it's not in your heart stop. why go broke buying presents and baking? what rule says you have to do this? none.
how about all presents are canceled and we each do an act of love to someone in need. visit a retirement home, a lonely widow,
give away a few posessions, stay out of the stores and stop buying. be the opposite of greed and go to a party for the fun of it.
forget the big tree and all the presents underneath. tell the kids they can come with you to help at the soup kitchen.
what rule says that going broke buying gifts, rushing to bake time consuming meals and making tinsel decorations will prove that we love?
why not just forgive the ones we have problems with, hug the children tight, remember the good we have on our lives and just pick one thing
that would be rewarding to do to celebrate your reson for Christmas. and forget the rest.
Sounds like a radical idea but I like it!