pnee wants
16 years ago
to eat persimmon:-(
Kitothewoodrat says
16 years ago
got so pattern o not... knot say wan eat something more common meh? ish ish
pnee says
16 years ago
kito:it's not uncommon k...its kinda common fruits le...slurp slurp...nice~
PuffyLeen says
16 years ago
here got alot...come here i buy for u!! hahahah
pnee says
16 years ago
:-( so far...air ticket d wil burn me a hole..i can buy more persimmons til i vomit le..:-D
Kitothewoodrat says
16 years ago
i mean... of all things ma... why this? y not orange? apple? pear? wtf... persimmon... so the typical pattern laosie... =.=