AverageClo says
13 years ago
university kills romance
latest #21
Captain Jonny says
13 years ago
how so?
AverageClo says
13 years ago
it just does everything is about casual......romance is dead
AverageClo says
13 years ago
im such a cynic these days
Settle.Down says
13 years ago
I know what you mean, but disagree, II think the romance just becomes hidden in the casual-ness :-P!
Captain Jonny says
13 years ago
It''s not so much being a cynic, rather being realistic. Rather crushing. People I know who partake in casualness around me really get on
Captain Jonny says
13 years ago
my nerves attitude-wise.
AverageClo says
13 years ago
it just seems pretty pointless to me...like my housemate was seeing a guy from uni..and they said from the start that it was casual and they
AverageClo says
13 years ago
could be with other people...as expected this failed drastically
AverageClo says
13 years ago
so anyway big drama....over...now they're seeing each other again...but no other people are involved
AverageClo says
13 years ago
yet she's still scared to ask him what they are incase he freaks out thinking he's in a relationship...like wtf?!
AverageClo says
13 years ago
what is the difference
AverageClo says
13 years ago
why don't boys want to do the whole sweeping girls off their feet anymore?
Captain Jonny says
13 years ago
It's not all of us, but a lot of blokes feel it's all a bit of fun, like scoring points.
Captain Jonny says
13 years ago
Barney over here is a prime example, although he's broken up with his girlfriend he is still seeing her for sex and other women.
Captain Jonny says
13 years ago
Not long ago, he had 4 in a week including her. Then he got in a whole pickle because one was seriously developing feelings for him and
Captain Jonny says
13 years ago
he had to break up with her even though they weren't together, reducing her to tears, he had to shout at her to get her to stop following
Captain Jonny says
13 years ago
him, then the next thing he said to me was he had someone else in line that night. What's more, he keeps trying to give me his "cast offs"
Captain Jonny says
13 years ago
He can do what he likes because at the end of uni, he's practically got a guarantee with his ex to get back together.
Captain Jonny says
13 years ago
I know people say the women must want it too but, come on, mostly because they think thats the only way they will get a guy. It's really up
Captain Jonny says
13 years ago
to the guy to be a better man. But why should they.
Captain Jonny says
13 years ago
Rant over.
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