robotshmobot says
13 years ago
farfegnugen..I slept an extra hour this morning....that just never happens....
latest #12
13 years ago
o_O - Were you late for work?
robotshmobot says
13 years ago
well....for me yes...I'm the first person in the office so it doesn't matter..other than me disliking it.
robotshmobot says
13 years ago
my phone decided to freeze sometime last night..which I use as my alarm....
robotshmobot says
13 years ago
even though I normally wake up before my it was a double wammy! (LOL)
webRat says
13 years ago
Well, I guess you needed the sleep and you didn't get in trouble, so... Win / Win?
robotshmobot says
13 years ago
indeed...I should look at it that way....i need to get over this disjointed feeling of starting off wrong today.
webRat says
13 years ago
webRat says
13 years ago
Sometimes it's good to break routine. Chill. :-)
webRat says
13 years ago
Shit, I screwed that up. I meant... CHILLAX.
13 years ago
robotshmobot says
13 years ago
ha...see it has you all screwed up too! hehehe
Pwca says
13 years ago
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