ogipung is
15 years ago
in LOVE, LUV, LOOOVEEEE with knitting!
latest #8
loribear says
15 years ago
ooooooooo wanna see ur work~~~~~~~~~~~~
loribear says
15 years ago
I was so gonna knit a scarf for my bf too. I even went online to watch videos for it.. but he said I shouldn't waste time XD
loribear shares
15 years ago
loribear says
15 years ago
that's a really good website on knitting~~ maybe too elementary for you tho XD
kerezee says
15 years ago
give me some of your work!! hahaha ;-)
ogipung says
15 years ago
@ lori: ravelry.com a really good online community. I started out with a scarf for Hans too! :-D
loribear says
15 years ago
hoho thanks Arlin! I am in the waiting list to join ravelry! :-D I'm knitting a scarf too :-D Loving it~~
loribear says
15 years ago
it's like meditation, except you get sthg tangible afterwards! ommmmmmmm..........
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