i gt no topic wif jie~! bored~~~
latest #21
ya lohh bored gt nth to tok bout
hahahha aiyooo ppl working la. Dont disturb them!
entertain me instead. HAHA
lols lily i thk in msia .. yf busy. ash dono her la.. alway mia
haha then talk to caleb lo. He on9 ma
i cnt see him online remember>>>?
he is online but in my acc i cannot see tht he is online
dont sad arhhh. i lend u my acc. u go talk to him. HAHAHA
nah is okie i doest hav topic to tok to him too
oh okay. Then wait til the 2 jie come back then disturb them ba
eeeeee... looks like they're the ones in ur heart. Teng dun hav ME in her heart. AW
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