name some then
I'm listening to The Killers atm :]
im listening to Mr. Brightside haha
i like a lot of pop and alternative rock
dont really listen to them ><
and an Umbrella cover by all time low
so many umbrella covers x_x
my favorites change frequently
im liking jeffree star, britney spears, kelly clarkson, and 3oh!3 as far as pop
alternative rock its just a bunch of random songs
haha yea natsy, it is pretty hard to name just a fwe
well ok...mcr...korn...30seconds to mars...death cab for cutie...system of a down
30 seconds to mars and evanescence were my first rock bands i listened to!
i like mcr and dcfc a lot too
lol....i love evanescence....they rock..
i actually love almost all rock bands with female singers, XD
mcr is my fav....i have like every song...
amy lee is pretty sexy
lol.....then i better make a rock band
i saw mcr live at bamboozle left
i also like paramore and flyleaf
dam u

they never come to south africa...
(i saw paramore live at bamboozle also!)
u live in south africa o_O
how was she? paramore and mcr did a great job live
she's one of my favorites1
and wow thats cool natsy!
dont thnk ive chatted with anyone in south africa XD
yaps....but i love the parlotones...u guys know who that they are ryt???
any links to youtube clips of them
u dont know the parlotones
no, i feel bad now,
yea go on youtube..type parlotones...
they are south african rock band...
have you heard a song called giant misrake??
ooh, its one of those calm, soothing bands
no? by who
hahaha parlotones love....yea it is one of those bands....
its nice
-here comes a man...hold down his hand, his looking strangly at me...hand in the flash all on the floor and all his friends are laughting-
the song i just typed was called here comes a man
i dont like most country or rap
listening to giant mistake haha
haha its kwl....michael...listen to il be there
kwls..listen to these songs.....
giant be there....beautiful...colourful...
i love it...ul love beautiful...
lol sorry for not responding, working on calculus D:
im getting thru senior year. i dont know what im gonna do either. haha
im struggling between what i want to do and what is more secure
well anyways, my dream is to become a pop star, XD
i know it's a stretch but thats what i really want
i also have this idea of advocating anti-discrimination and such
however, theres a small chance i'll get that, so i want something financially secure. so i'm trying to get into the medical field atm
doctor or nurse. i mean, i wouldnt mind being that, but it's not what i really want, you know?
lol i wish
i need to get vocal lessons
im really good with musical keys and such
and i think my voice will be decent if it's a bit digitized
and play piano and learning guitar
lol i just want to make music
but for now, i'll let my future unfold on its own
well with that epic poetic line said, i think im gonna go
great talking to you angel
oh and heres my utube channel. i only made stupid video blogs, but it's something ,XD
I dunno if they were already mentioned, but I love My Chemical Romance
yea, they're pretty awesome :]
My Chemical Romance all the way, I'm way too obsessed with them!
(i listen to all types though)
lol, lots of MCR fans around