AliaWhitfield wants
13 years ago
to get out of bed but there's this fatass cat weighing her down.
latest #19
13 years ago
what do you want to get out of bed for? (sleeping)
13 years ago
*licks you till you get out of bed*
13 years ago
Hmm If I start licking you might not ever want to get out of bed. Sticks his tongue out and shows it off.
13 years ago
Because my roommate is making chocolate ca--wait, what's all this about licking? ;-)
13 years ago
13 years ago
I happen to like the taste of a woman in bed.... smiles....
13 years ago
Well I suppose if you were tasting one in a restaurant, you'd probably get arrested. ;-)
13 years ago
I thought you were in Bed Alia? How did I get into a Restaurant?
13 years ago
13 years ago
LOL! I managed to drag myself out. Roomie turned on the blender above us and cat went ballistic.
13 years ago
My cat is a scardy cat. She runs from everything. A fly will make her run.
13 years ago
My cat's not afraid of anything, but he's pestered by a lot. Has to know what it is, where it's coming from. Then he has to eat it.
13 years ago
lol.... sounds so familiar. I think my cat hunts at night. I find gifts on my doorstep every morning... yuck
13 years ago
It's love! Or he's trying to stock the house for winter.
13 years ago
You're lucky it's not still alive when he brings it in, that means he's trying to teach you to hunt.
13 years ago
Yeah... She is a good hunter and knows to kill her prey. She's awesome... the best cat I ever had
13 years ago
My cats are pretty useless for hunting. My biggest pest issue is flying insects, and it is collectively all of their most glaring weakness.
13 years ago
Not my cat. She keeps the rodents down. It's her job and she is allowed to be a scardy cat if she wants too
Aponi Rae
13 years ago
My cat is a scardy cat too. It's an odd thing that he runs from about EVERYTHING yet he'd get into fights with other cats and he loveshuntin
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