takes a look at the number on the display screen and groans. What the hell could Cavallone want?
eventually pauses the show (just when he was getting to the good part!) and picks up.
trying to sound calm but Hibari looks more feverish now! >A<)
a very worried waifu! ;A;
What did you do this time?
honestly doesn't know! TAT
We didn't do much last night other than... yeah... ANYWAY, he didn't have this fever last night!
lets out a long suffering sigh.
...Okay, let's start with what happened this morning. What are his symptoms, and what was he like before they kicked in?
Did you feed him anything? Did you make him do anything out of the ordinary?
like he's addressing a kindergartner. <_<
Nope. Nothing out of the ordinary.
not divulge the kinky details of last night's schmex. T3T
... OH! Wait! I did feed him something new today!
I mixed preserved sakura blossoms with his rice! *A*
You fed him sakura. *flatly*
... yes?
doesn't say anything for a long, long time.
eventually laughs, and not in the friendly way.
only laughs like that when he's thinking perverted thoughts.
... uhm... hello? Shamal?
He still has that sakura disease - I never bothered curing him since it doesn't do much harm, and... well. Everyone needs a weakness, right?
But, the thing with that disease is... see, if you feed someone with it some sakura...
Have fun, Cavallone. You're going to be busy for the next twenty-four hours or so.
hangs up with another, sinister laugh.