staffdevjnkie asks
14 years ago
green screen question. took pic in front of green screen, want to put it on beach backround. imovie not cooperating. using images not videos
latest #13
LoriB says
14 years ago
did you turn on the advanced tools in iMovie?
LoriB says
14 years ago
you can do it in PhotoBooth also
staffdevjnkie says
14 years ago
imovie does not seem to do photos, only video, according to apple just now. I need to look at photobooth though...
staffdevjnkie says
14 years ago
I looked at photo booth and did find some "effects" but could not drag green screen pix over them. now can't get effects to show again!
LoriB says
14 years ago
in photobooth you can pull in the beach background and then take a picture in front of it. Just scroll thru the effects to the user
LoriB says
14 years ago
LoriB says
14 years ago
then drag your beach pic into one of the boxes
LoriB says
14 years ago
then you will take a new picture that will go on top of the beach background you dragged in
LoriB says
14 years ago
sometimes in PhotoBooth, I have to exit and open it again to get back to a place I was.
staffdevjnkie says
14 years ago
Hi lori, I was wanting to use pictures I already have, so I don't want to take a picture in front of it...i exited many times, arrgghh
staffdevjnkie says
14 years ago
thanks for all the info lori
LoriB says
14 years ago
I got to thinking that maybe that's what you had in mind. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. Hope you find a way to make it work.
staffdevjnkie says
14 years ago
I ended up doing video on video so I could use Imovie and I see there are programs out there I could get to do picture on picture...
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