kanye west
14 years ago
i kind of... really don't want to type up these replies i owe. some people are way too quick about tagging back.
latest #7
final~heaven says
14 years ago
I know how you feel. *procrastinates like woah*
kanye west says
14 years ago
hahaaha. i was getting so stressed out. people were burying me in tags.
final~heaven says
14 years ago
I hate it when I have a million tags and I start replying and seconds later I get another tag from the person I just finished tagging. @_@
final~heaven says
14 years ago
I'm like "No come back later." >>
kanye west says
14 years ago
haaha me too.
kanye west says
14 years ago
that was me today.
final~heaven says
14 years ago
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