13 years ago
YAY my sister is a lifesaver...I can use her dryer to dry clothes - it's raining out and we don't have one!
latest #10
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
(scenic) O, thou lovely dryer of vestments, how do I love thee! :-D
13 years ago
concurs...if it weren't for our dryer I'd be bringing in board stiff laundry on wintry days like this *shiver*
13 years ago
LOL sunnidae...just poetic!
13 years ago
blames the Earl Grey (LOL)
13 years ago
we don't really need them here, great climate BUT we're in the middle of a good soaking/humidity
13 years ago
Earl Grey will do it every time!
13 years ago
nods - my bro-&sister-in-law had a wonderful washer that about spun their clothes completely dry! (They were in Brisbane). No dryer either.
13 years ago
nice one!!!
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